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1st annual SWVA TeamSSaudio.com meet

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He doesn't have reliable access to the internet from his work, so if you PM him on here, he might not see it for two weeks or more...

so....carrier pigeon?

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now onto my pics.

Aaron's Benz


half of chad^2


The Germans really didn't want us to get the door panel off.


Ramos at work.


That's a lot of poly fill.


It's the new line of Kicker, Kicker Knockers :runlaugh:


Ramos at work still.


Ramos still working.


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The Funky Pup.


(From left to right) Aaron, Ramos, and Nick working on smoothing out the fiberglass


Word to the wise, don't try to wire a Chevy Suburban.


Hey LOOK! A Coffin!!


We thought it would be great to mount the subs this way. :woot:


Wow, these were just....wow. Sometime soon I'm feelin a realmofexcursion video with these *evil grin*


Well that is all I have from this weekend.

PS "Big Marv Don't Care"

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today, if it wasnt one thing breaking, it was another. webster went to get some more jigsaw blades, and none of them were able to work. there were even 2 different kinds. the 'burb had no way of getting the power wire through the firewall. it was a long day to say the least, but i had fun.

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damn if jim's work didn't go quite smoothly though, and was that pup still fine when we left? why didn't we blow it?

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Even where I am right now, ~725 miles  :ph34r:

chit, I would've done it. You = busy with work though.:D

Beats 2500 miles :D

My weekends are pretty slow... no work to speak of. If I had a car, and a birth certificate with me (no passport yet), I would have gone. Can't really take a rental, would cost me my left nut in mileage charges.

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Sheesh boomin, you are ragged looking.

Is it me or does Jim look like the Grinch ?

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Who is the guy with the nike sweat shirt on ?

I only knew 2 faces. Dave ( kicker boob) and Jim ( ugly man #2)

Lady with a funky pup belly button= ?

Guy with John Deere hat= ?

Im guessing Ramos is the one who was FG

Guy with red jacket/streped shirt+ ?

yeah, I'm the guy with the look of bewilderment on his face. Trying to figure out how to build off of a pair of door panels that cost more than my entire car :)

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i see no flush mounted amp

Didn't quite get to that point. We were to busy finding out why large panels shouldn't be cut with a jig saw :finger::)

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wish i could stop by, have class till ~7pm though...wonder if jim's gonna be there? he has the same class

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wish i could stop by, have class till ~7pm though...wonder if jim's gonna be there? he has the same class

I am coming down on wednesday and I will be back on Saturday if dave is going to be there. got the window in the kia fixed so I will be bringing my car for a sq demo :slayer:

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Definately wont be there, i've got a lab until 7:30 or so...and then another exam to study for...

And then i'm going home for break on friday...

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I probably won't be...may be in town this weekend, but who knows.

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i'll probably stay in town this weekend, head to shanna's sunday night, she has most of the weekend off IIRC so she should be there too, and damn it Jim you better be there if i get the AVA in, i need good ears to tell me if it was worth my money, all i hear is boom boom boom, you and dave hear the guy's hearbeat speed up from the crowd's excitement, :-P

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i'll probably stay in town this weekend, head to shanna's sunday night,  she has most of the weekend off IIRC so she should be there too,  and damn it Jim you better be there if i get the AVA in, i need good ears to tell me if it was worth my money,  all i hear is boom boom boom,  you and dave hear the guy's hearbeat speed up from the crowd's excitement, :-P

i like the sig vladd lol

big marv don't give a damn lol

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thanks, i wish i could hear your car wed, maybe i'll run by from 2-4 during my only break, if you'll be there then. I've heard is quite amazing.

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I doubt I'll get too make it Wednesday. Saturday definately, I got a couple set's of rings that will spawn children by Saturday. All of which will need a new home :D:)

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thanks,  i wish i could hear your car wed,  maybe i'll run by from 2-4 during my only break,  if you'll be there then.  I've heard is quite amazing.

give dave a call to make sure that we are at his house. my car sounds ok..still have a lot of things i would like to change, but it is decent

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I doubt I'll get too make it Wednesday. Saturday definately, I got a couple set's of rings that will spawn children by Saturday. All of which will need a new home :D  :)

lol...we have to talk denim out of doing the setup he has in mind.

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I doubt I'll get too make it Wednesday. Saturday definately, I got a couple set's of rings that will spawn children by Saturday. All of which will need a new home :D

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i cant make it back wednesday, i can be there this weekend to hang out and work on the monstrosity big marv calls his suburban of wiring.

sayings of the weekend

"wanna get high?"

"big marv dont care"

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Two mids per side is doable, sort of like a TMM arrangement in home audio...but two seperate tweets? That "sweet spot" is going to be funky...like Smokedog funky.

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At the so cal meet our saying was :

" im a computa stop all the down loadin"

We mustve said that like 50 some odd times

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