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Ok so Im kinda stepping up a little bit on the whole sub scene and I kinda got over my head a little bit. I thought I would look to you guys for some guidance. I have bought 2 15" Orion HCCA's. I bought the dual 4 ohm version thinking Id just run 1 big amp. Well my noobness has bit me in the ass. I need a large amp as wasnt really thinking of the amp draw that this would present. So if I can get any suggestions on amp/batteries/alt that I may need I would owe a favor for sure. I know you guys get these questions all the time and I didnt want to be "this" guy but I really have no other choice. I want to learn this instead of just paying some shop to do it for me. I was looking at running a Stetsom 7KD or a Soundstream 6500. Thanks in advance for your replies guys.

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Your looking at upgraded ALT, multiple batts and runs of 1/0.

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I really just want to have a nasty street beater that can pull some decent numbers. So in essence the box will be tuned for music not tones but I want to get max out put out of my subs.

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hey i got a suggestion for you!!

make yourself a box with a REMOVABLE port! so you can flip the port in for a burp and pop it out for daily!

my buddy has a pair of 12's with a removable port and he burps 150.1db's on an atomic 7k and this is done in a grand-am 1995 plus on music he does very nice numbers!

now back to you what kind a space you got in your car/suv? I know a guy who can hook you up with a very nice box! (you build it of course he just gives you the design)

as for an electrical to support either of those amps you will need say 300-400ah, so maybe look into 3-4 big batteries say XS3100d for starters or something similar. and a h/o will be required say 250-300~

with 7k at on 12volts you will need like 600amps of current to support that bad boy!

so to have a hell of a setup you will need a hella lot of space also!

anyways that is my suggestion o ya and make sure to do the big 3, and do at least 2runs of 1/0 (plus and minus) from front to back or step up to 4/0 wire and use 8gauge wire from amp to subs!

any more question feel free to p/m me or post here!

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