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Guy Brawner

Upfiring 15" Subwoofer in a hatcback

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Just an FYI, my buddy is running the old version 15" in his Camaro in 2.3 cubes and it's simply amazing.

sealed ?



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Actually in deebeez the real whole story is:

Note: noticeable refers to the average human being:

Pyschoacoustically 3dB sonically noticeable (not back to back, but just generally perceived increase) 1dB is noticeable back to back: a 3dB increase requires double the power from your amplifier with the same speaker

6dB is twice as loud when converted to Pascals, but not noticeably twice as loud: takes 4 times the power

10dB is noticeably twice as loud, but requires 10x the power

assuming the same power and drivers:

1 driver sealed = xdB

1 driver ported = (x+3)dB (or same driver with 2x power sealed)

2 drivers sealed= (x+6)dB

2 drivers ported = (x+9)dB

and so on. Hope this helps.

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