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Mb quart discus 2000.1D running hot?

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Used to have a Hifonics 2000bxi and when I ran that full tilt it would only get luke warm. Now that I've upgraded to my mb quart 2000.1d, running it at even 3/4 tilt makes it get really toasty. To the point where it hurts to leave your hand on it for more than 4 seconds. Voltage never dips below 13.5v full tilt and I have it tuned on my DMM for 2000w (does 2200w i hear?) The amp is directly grounded to my rear batt and all the connections are snug and tight. The amp is also mounted right by my seat openings so it has pretty decent air flow. Anyone elses discus series amp run toasty like mine?

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afew things i think you should do if you haven't are to check for loose wiring. that would include power, ground, battery ground, speaker wiring, etc.

also sounds like you have a battery located in the rear? is that the only battery or a secondary? (check that ground btw)

what are your amp settings? could it be that your trying to get too much out of that amp?

im not familiar with high power systems like yours but some more info on your install could help u get an answer.

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