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Tony Nelson

Would Increasing port area increase output?

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Hey guys. I recently completed my build using an IA DR12 in 2.2 cubes at 31 hz. My port area right now is 25 in^2. I do get a some port noise on the lower notes in some songs. I was just wondering if I should rebuild a box using more port area. Just not sure if it would make a differance or not. It gets plenty loud right now, I just have had a "what if" idea in my head since I noticed it. Any input would be great.


Tony Nelson

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Hey Tony !

I personally had 2 positive experiences with increasing port area.

Both were with the same speaker (BTL 12), both in an spl setup.

1. Going from flared 6 inch to straight 8 inch, SPL was the same. Adding flares to the 8 inch gained a little over 1dB.

2. Going from flared 8 to flared 10, gained 0.8dB. Granted, the 10 was ghetto rigged so I might have gotten a bigger increase with careful install.

Both of these gains were observed on high power burps (over 3500w measured) On the second situation I tested at low power (~1000w) and there was no difference in score.

IMO, if you are chasing tenths, go for the most port area you can fit. If you listen to music, shoot for port area equal to 1/3 of the cone area. If you don't get chuffing at high outputs, you are fine. The 1dB difference will probably be inaudible.

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Hey Tony !

I personally had 2 positive experiences with increasing port area.

Both were with the same speaker (BTL 12), both in an spl setup.

1. Going from flared 6 inch to straight 8 inch, SPL was the same. Adding flares to the 8 inch gained a little over 1dB.

2. Going from flared 8 to flared 10, gained 0.8dB. Granted, the 10 was ghetto rigged so I might have gotten a bigger increase with careful install.

Both of these gains were observed on high power burps (over 3500w measured) On the second situation I tested at low power (~1000w) and there was no difference in score.

IMO, if you are chasing tenths, go for the most port area you can fit. If you listen to music, shoot for port area equal to 1/3 of the cone area. If you don't get chuffing at high outputs, you are fine. The 1dB difference will probably be inaudible.

Thanks for the quick reply. I usually do not listen to my music with the sub blarring, just like to blend it in. The only times there is any chuffing is while playing songs that have real low frequencies in them. Example would be Young Jeezy - Put on, the lowest note in that bass line will do it. I can't hear it in the front of the car and only can when I'm actually watching it with the trunk lid open. It sounds like I probably wouldn't gain anything and or notice anything by changing the box. I will keep it the same then. I haven't got my car metered yet, and not sure if I will ever get to.

Thanks for the reply again, I appreciate it.


Tony Nelson

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