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Sundown SAX 1200 amp settings

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Ok so I want to install my new sundown amp tomorrow but Im not exactly sure what to do with all these knobs and stuff because my old amps basically just had gain and my JL amp the dealer tuned for me.. I wanna get this right and you guys know all.

I have 1 18" FI SSD in a 7.3 cubic ft ported box at 33hz with dual 2 that I'm wiring to 1ohm to a Sundown sax 1200d.

I just wanna know what is suggested or you guys suggest for alll the settings.. i dont know exactly how do set them :trippy: ... Like the LPF SSF and gain and umm.. crap i know there is more. Please help ME LOL. :puzzled:

I know gain i am using a 50hz test tone with sub unhooked and a multimeter, but I don't know how to figure out what volts it needs to read on the multimeter when setting gain. and Yes ill have volume on h/u at 3/4 and all that good stuff. So what for LPF and SSF and how to determine voltage readout wanted for gain on mm. Also I think there is one more setting or knob on the amp but I cant remember it but if you know tell me it also :D

I sound like a freaking audio noob but I honestly have just never had such a nice amp with these settings.. So i never learned. Thanks so much everyone. :ughdunno:

Every post is appreciated :fing34:

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Just set your gain by ear. if it sounds like crap turn it down, once it starts to bottom or or get close back off a bit and you should be good. set your SSF about 5-7 hertz below your box tuning. Set the LPS (low pass filter) around 80-100. this again depends on the box and what it sounds like. I have mine at about 80.

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As a general rule,

voltage=sqrt(watts X impedence)

so, volts=sqrt(1200 X 1)


therefore, when setting gains with that DMM, play the 50hz tone with the hu at 3/4, with the speaker unhooked, and with the DMM on AC, shoot for 34 volts.

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As a general rule,

voltage=sqrt(watts X impedence)

so, volts=sqrt(1200 X 1)


therefore, when setting gains with that DMM, play the 50hz tone with the hu at 3/4, with the speaker unhooked, and with the DMM on AC, shoot for 34 volts.

IF he wants that power, which i wouldn't try to do on that amp and sub combo.

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You guys are SO awesome! I cannot thank you enough :) I can't wait to hook her up after class today! If I have anymore questions I know where to come!!! Thanks guys

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Ok yeah.. Phase is the other one I forgot, How on earth do I set the Phase on the amp?.. I've never had an amp with that setting and don't wanna ruin my amp or sub.. PLEASE HELP!!!

Oh and p.s.... I should leave bass boost on 0 like all the way off correct? :) Thanks AGAIN!

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As a general rule,

voltage=sqrt(watts X impedence)

so, volts=sqrt(1200 X 1)


therefore, when setting gains with that DMM, play the 50hz tone with the hu at 3/4, with the speaker unhooked, and with the DMM on AC, shoot for 34 volts.

IF he wants that power, which i wouldn't try to do on that amp and sub combo.


Fi SSD. :ohnoes9:

Didn't catch that, sorry.

I was going by my BL, which would take all that power. Sorry

Yeah, don't go by what I said.

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Yeah leave the bass boost at 0/all the way off, the phase wont hurt your subwoofer at all so you can mess with it to see where it blends in with your front stage. If not then you can leave it at 0 as few people do not mess with it either.

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You think I can run 1000wrms to my 18? I know they "recommend" 800wrms.. But I've heard/seen plenty of people do between 1000-1500rms on it * yes the Ssd.. * But.. If you think I am going to kill my sub at 1000 then ill.. i guess tune it to 800wrms max..

:) Just be honest lol. Ive never fed this much power to a monster sub so I dont know its limits as well as others with experience.

The guy I bought it from said he had ran 1500 on a previous one without problems as long as it was good clean power..

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Just set your gains correctly and dont turn your head unit volume past 75% and you will be fine, music is dynamic so your amp wont be putting out 1200 watts all the time. If it doesnt sound right or sub smells stinky then turn volume down or gain down or sub sonic filter up depending on the reason.

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Personally I set the gains by ear, not with a DMM. I turn up the music the absolute loudest it will ever go, and adjust the gain while looking, feeling, smelling, and hearing any sort of mechanical or thermal stress.

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how much you can send to a sub depends a bit on the box. it's good to stay with the RMS just to play safe. Bigger boxes take less power to get the sub to it's limits, while smaller boxes can let you give more power before it reaches it's limits. That's not the only thing to factor in though, cooling and such change with all of the above. i would stick with what we've already said. tune by ear. you will know when something is working too hard. just listen carefully. if you think its too much, it probably is. turn it down after that. you will learn the sounds sooner or later and you will learn a lot about your system with time and messing with it. just be careful and dont go crazy

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:) Ok thanks guys! I just want to get the most out of what I have and I know you all understand that. I just want to make sure I don't ruin it in the process of getting the most out of it! So that's why I was trying to figure out how you all tune yours and get the best from your equipment! Thanks again. :fing34:

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IMO the best way to get the most out of your purchase is to be able to make it last for longer than a couple months. AKA being nice to it :D I've had my BL for a year and a half ish now and it can still hurt my ears. I'll sell it sooner or later, but i already feel like i have gotten it's worth out of it.

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Setting it by ear is what I've always done and I've yet (knock on wood) to blow a speaker. Set your headunit to the maximum volume you plan on turning it to (typically good to stay well below it's max) then slowly turn the gain up until it blends with the rest of your set up or you hear it start to distort.. whichever comes first.

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