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Can someone from DC Power Contact ME!!!!

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Now I see why this has been dragged on for 2 years.

OP - I feel for you, i'm not blaming you at all for the inadequecies of DC Power and the horrendous way they have handled this transaction up to this point. But at the end of the day you've got to draw a line in the sand and stick to it....you seem to keep drawing the line and then allow yourself to get talked in to erasing the line and waiting longer. I'm not in your shoes, but I find it incredibly hard to imagine I could wait 2 years and counting for my product. I don't do well with being lied to and I know how DC Power likes to lie (it's almost done, should be shipping in a couple days....then it doesn't ship) and knowing 4 people locally who bought alts from DC (all of whom experienced this same exact problem) my tolerance would be very low for such a thing. I hope somehow, some way, you get this thing resolved ASAP. Good luck to you.

DC Power - I kind of get the feeling you think you have a right to go on the offensive against the members here who have posted their opinion on the subject after reading the OP's horror story....seriously bro, can you blame them? How would you feel if you were waiting 2 years on the vendor of your CNC machines to deliver the product you just paid a quarter million for? Especially after them telling you repeatedly that they were gonna be delivered next week, over and over again. Just in this thread alone you told the guy back in November that he'd have something....we're in February now and he still has nothing. And it's not like this is the exception, there are numerous folks who have dealt with this from you guys and you pacified alot of them by throwing a free alt at them, so now that this has come to light you really should just take your hits, make your changes, and let your new and improved business processes and transactions speak for themselves. Taking a hostile stance against prospective customers just doesn't seem like a smart business move.

Stupid question: If his alts are done and have been forever, and you're just waiting to complete the brackets......why not ship the guy his alts (more than likely the most costly part of this transaction), and DC Power contract and pay for someone like tejcurrent, another manufacturer right here on this forum, to build the brackets?

It seems like this would go a long way towards completing the transaction on a pretty timely basis. At the very least, this would put the biggest chunk of change back into the OP's hands by having a tangible product in his possession. Then the only thing left is the bracket, which if another manufacturer such as tejcurrent can't produce on a timely basis, it's less of a refund that would need to be made by DC. And the OP can be on his merry way finding someone who can build a bracket for him. With all of the machine shops in the US, and another manufacturer right here on this forum whose explicit business is building alt brackets, I can't believe this isn't something that could have been completed at least since the start of this thread.....much less nearly 2 years.

Agreed 100%

Well I hope this gets resolved, for the OP's sanity, quickly and satisfactorily and hopefully it exceeds his expectations.

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Rob I would like you to refund my money This week. .If or when you get my alternators.I will pay for them at that time.

It has went on long enough.I am done with The excuses,,deadlines not being met....

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That is a question that need not be answered here.

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Can't wait to see how they turn out! Please post pics ASAP

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Rob called me 2/16/11 and advised me "He was shipping the alts and bracket tomorrow"......


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Rob called me 2/16/11 and advised me "He was shipping the alts and bracket tomorrow"......

good to hear man... Need to remember to get them things installed and pictured ASAP!!! :dancing:

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Alright guys,

I figured I would share some pictures of randy's bracket and frames for his alternators. This was taken with my phone on a rainy day so pics really do no justice.. Just to let you know that we've been working diligently on it..





Test fitted.. :D


I hope you like :peepwall:

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that looks really good, like anything in life you get what you pay for, sucks how long it took to be shipped out but but in my opinion well worth the wait

quick question to sneak in this thread, (DC POWER) can u make me a dual alternator bracket for a 02 Monte Carlo SS 3.8L

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wow.not sure ive seen 5 alts in one install before, that is HUGE

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Unfortunately we do not have a dual kit, but we can do pretty much whatever you'd like in there for a single alternator.. :D

thanks for the fast response but as far as i know youall don't make an alternator big enough for what i need. if u made one that would still bolt on to the Monte Carlo with between 300-350 amps i would be all over that in a heart beat !!!

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How about a 390? :ninja:

really?? i emailed dc power 2 months ago and got a ticket number or something anyways a 220 was the biggest i was told would bolt on to my car i called just about everyone, ended up getting a 275 amp Mechman wish i knew u made a 390

can u please send me pics and prices to my e mail so i can quit jacking this thread ( sorry op) my Mechman has still never been used yet, i would much rather have the 390!! Thanks

[email protected]

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That's a cool setup, but I hope you upgraded the tensioner or added a couple more as well.

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That is nucking futs!

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worth the drama no... BUT HOLY FCUK it is worth the wait..... That shit is insanity!!!!

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