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New mids?

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right now i have the sea excel w18 but cant cross them high enough because of cone break up. would the L3's be able to be crossed around 2200? The L3 is a small driver tho more for midrange it seems. the seas i have now are 7 inch i think i am leaning more towards midbass. even tho im confused as hell why the speakers i have now dont sound right

Edited by Smondo17

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Whoops. Yes, they're dedicated midranges, I was thinking you were looking for those :)

If you like the sound of Seas, what about Nextels? Would be better suited for a 2-way...or you could just go 3-way and keep the W18's.

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I wouldn't recommend the Excels beyond 1200hz, but the Nextels surely will get there.

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No one said better, just possibly better for your application since you can't cross the Excel over that high. The reason being is the Mag cone on the Excel breaks up at a lower frequency than the Nextel paper cone on the W18NX. As for how high it depends a lot on your installation and slopes, but way higher than the Excel. It should be usable in your install well beyond 2k, but considering that is where you cross your tweets I'd recommend underlapping anyways.

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The Nextel cone still exhibits some breakup and isn't quite as detailed as the magnesium cone Excels (most noticeably in the lower midrange) but the improved top end makes them a very worthy candidate for 2 way use.

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Indeed, not nearly as "idiot" proof as the CA, but much more forgiving than the Mag cone on the Excel which is rather difficult to get to do what you might want it to. Clarity however from it is superb when dialed in.

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how hard would it be to go 3 way. Cross my seas at 1200 n supremos at 2200 could I get a midrange to fill that range. Any suggestions?

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If you were to go three way I'd use a dedicate midbass that can move more air than the Excel. The Excel works great in a 2 way configuration, just not with the Morel and not without some understanding of how to apply EQ and cross it over.

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