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bl 12 not hitting

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Ok i just installed my system yesterday... Its not hitting at all. They guy at the shop said that it needs to break in a little bit before he adjusts it? I have a sundown sae 1200d and all 0 gauge wiring. Is it not hitting becuase its not adjusted right? I know that 1500 watts rms is ALOT of bass and should be LOUD, but its not hitting. So is it because the adjustment on the amp?

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It does not need to break in, guy does not know what he is talking about.

Your gain could need to be turned up since he said he needed to adjust it. I am guessing from your question you do not know how to set it so I wont go there.

I say be patient and ask the man to go ahead and make the "adjustment".

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it's not hitting?

Maybe because the stereo isn't on?

You better make a vid or elaborate more on it's not hitting.

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what are the box specs?

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GO to a different shop. Obviously, that guy is a tard.

Probably a gimmick to make you pay for another visit to the shop to be "tuned"

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hey, contact MAc n Cheese or Hove on here. They from your state. See what they ca do for ya.

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my box is ported and built to specs... It was hitting soo hard yesterday in the car, but outside the car it wasent that loud. My friend has a 10w7 at 750 watts rms and his is VERY loud outside the car. How is mine not like that??? It should be alot louder??

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Yeah we have a lot of members no here that should be able to help you personally, I would not trust that person to install any of my gear if he thinks woofers "need" a break in.

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im so pissed. Im happy that i blew away everyone in my school though, but the sub isent hitting as hard as it should

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adjusted the subsonic filter to 30Hz, gain was set at zero and adjusted to 1/4, bass boost at zero. FYI...I would try and keep it down in the city due to the fact you will be seeing a noise ordinance in your future

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my box is ported and built to specs... It was hitting soo hard yesterday in the car, but outside the car it wasent that loud. My friend has a 10w7 at 750 watts rms and his is VERY loud outside the car. How is mine not like that??? It should be alot louder??

if you want it to be loud outside the car, mount it on the outside.

you can impress a couple people in your neighborhood with a loud stereo. they are called theives.

you can impress a lot of people on this forum if you can get loud inside the vehicle with the windows up, and not raise any eyebrows on the outside.

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my box is ported and built to specs... It was hitting soo hard yesterday in the car, but outside the car it wasent that loud. My friend has a 10w7 at 750 watts rms and his is VERY loud outside the car. How is mine not like that??? It should be alot louder??

if you want it to be loud outside the car, mount it on the outside.

you can impress a couple people in your neighborhood with a loud stereo. they are called theives.

you can impress a lot of people on this forum if you can get loud inside the vehicle with the windows up, and not raise any eyebrows on the outside.


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I used to think just like you for the 1st couple weeks I had my 12in BL. One day I was in the parking lot and I noticed that when I stepped outside my bass wasnt as loud on the outside but when I put my head on the inside I could feel the vibrations from the sub hitting so hard.

Honestly that trunk rattling shit is very tacky and makes it seem like your driving a POS. Like guy said above more people are impressed with the bass on the inside then the outside.

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my box is ported and built to specs... It was hitting soo hard yesterday in the car, but outside the car it wasent that loud. My friend has a 10w7 at 750 watts rms and his is VERY loud outside the car. How is mine not like that??? It should be alot louder??

if you want it to be loud outside the car, mount it on the outside.

you can impress a couple people in your neighborhood with a loud stereo. they are called theives.

you can impress a lot of people on this forum if you can get loud inside the vehicle with the windows up, and not raise any eyebrows on the outside.



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