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current draw

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anyone happen to know how much more current a 3500d would draw<1ohm> then 2 1500's strapped <2ohm> thinking about changing out the 1500's for a 3500 to save room but have heard they are power hungry as it stands now i never drop under 12.2 at full tilt not sure if my electrical can handle the 3500 thow

fact alt deka under the hood and 2 more in the back big3 2 runs 0 back to other batts

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Im pretty sure more than the two amps you have now, I dont even think its worth it to upgrade to another amp. I would worry about my electrical first but thats just me :peepwall:

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doesn't Jacob recommend fusing a 3500 with a 350amp fuse? and a 150amp fuse for the 1500? so for 2-1500 you coudl draw 400amps and with a single 3500 you could draw 350amps?

is that what you are looking for for an answer?

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id stick with the 1500's, wired @.5 they can pull up to 200 each. but @1 its going to but under 160 amps

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Yeah, stick with the second 1500. So you can save money for a strong HO alt. You NEED one !

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Yeah, stick with the second 1500. So you can save money for a strong HO alt. You NEED one !

Could you please explain why i NEED a HO alt

I never drop under 12v now so what would be the "need" for a HO alt

I was under the impression as long as i dont go under 12v then i wont do any type of damage to the amps, Under normal driving i stay around 13.2 at over half volume, and i can never obtain higher then 14.6 because my car has the regulator built into the ecm

So what advantages would i see with getting one?

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