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FI BL in Rx8?

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He doesnt have enough room for 2 subs ported. if he really only has 1.5 cf he can do two Q10s sealed. He cant do a BL cause he has to have it ported. 1 BL 10 enclosure rec. 1.2 cf and correct me if im wrong but thats before displacements of a port and sub. with that much space i either go 2 q10s sealed .6 per sub. 2 ssd 10s sealed .6 per sub. Or 1 ssd or 1 q 12 sealed. wont have much room for anything else unlessyou want to sacrifice your back seat

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im thinkin 1 12 fi Q. but no one in this forum seem to like them.... how are they?

I have a Q 10 in a ported that I'm putting 1000 watts to and it's plenty loud. but then again i consider myself to be more of an sq guy.

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