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Advice on what to do with amps

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Ok I was planning on strapping 2 saz 1500's to get around 3k watts out of the two. Around this time I was planning on using a full loaded Fi btl 18; but now I've decided I want to run a TC sounds LMS 5400 18. This is the probably being that the lms 5400 is a dual 2 sub which mean .5 ohm which is a NO NO for 2 saz 1500 strapped.

Idk what to do. I've considered running 1 amp per VC but I know that if I don't have my setting right for both amps I could really mess some shit up lol. Should I just run 1 per VC or should I sell the amps and buy the Saz 3000? I know the easiest choice would be sell them for the 3k but I would rather run 2 amps then 1 amp. SHIT! lol

Edited by master_jbb3

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