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Tline? Lport? Areo ports? Bandpass?

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Picked up a TC sounds 12" i know it has the 3hp motor and is a D4 im gunna be running it off of me bb2400 at 2ohm so 1700rms to it. but i am kinda mixed on a box...i see so many differant designs. Lports, Areo ports, Bandpass's, Tlines....i dont know which is the right way to go and be the loudest by retaing some nice sound quality but being able to get LOW. i listen to alot of chopped and screwed stuff, honestly i like numbers but am not worried about them anymore id like it be a nice single 12 demo.....something that will get low and just make people be like DAMN thats one 12. any help or ideas everyone? 35"W id like it to go across the whole trunk looks better imo-20"D this could change if it has to 15"H :/ jetta trunks are deep but not high to save there lifes

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reading your post..... imo, you got a little work to do yet....homework , let's say.

notice all the threads covering each of these features you listed above..... they help, once read to form a opinion, as well as give direction, many folks have ask , answered, discussed, and argued each.... mostly in a helpful fashion. read this little skits, if you will, and determine wether there is some appeal to any or all of it, if so, and you still have questions zero in on that area. you have to study!

imo, looks like your power for that 12" could be upgraded some yet, as well as your electrical, the enclosure..... is your trunk sealed off from the cabin? i am not sure what the back looks like, but getting the sound wave into the cabin is key for sure.... some options usually are rear seats that fold down or ski slots.... sometimes a little custoum work is needed for the rear deck to be ported.

"i dont know which is the right way to go and be the loudest by retaing some nice sound quality but being able to get LOW"

this is a question that suggest you should be studying these attributes as well..... a few commas and a little thought would clean it right up.

determine what loud is to you, what is impressive to you, have you heard someone play a 65 hz. test tone at 155 db? not really too impressive, imo....

have you heard a test tone of 30 hz. played at 155 db., this, imo, is alot more impressive. even though it is just a tone, it still has more authority to me...

so, you see, you gotta let folks know you what your after.... tell em' your chasing mid 30hz. tuning and would love to see a 145db plus out of it..... they will br more able to help you then...

hope i helped you out some.... this forum has soooooooo many articles and links to read up on, i attempt to study up each time, even if it is just reveiw.....

by making your audio a true hoby, doing all the work involved, it makes it even more rewarding.


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Unless you are sharing this among at least 10 Jetta trunks you don't have room for a T-line, Aero or Slot yield the same results, and if you are asking you really shouldn't build a bandpass. Simple ported is your solution.

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