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HSK165XL vs. Focal 165KR or 165v30

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I am looking at upgrading the components in my doors and I have narrowed it down to these three components. I cannot demo the 165XL because no one around me has any on their demo board. I am wanting to know what you all recommend as far as midbass and accurate sound reproduction which are the better speakers.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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The V30s are one of my favorite speakers. They are very comparable to the K2s, and that is coming from our Focal rep and I can agree. I cannot comment on the Hertz since I have never heard any, but I know Hertz generally uses soft dome tweeters when compared to focal using a Kevlar or metal domed tweeter. The silk tweeters may sound more smooth and not be as overly bright, but you can always adjust the tweeter attenuation down.

Install is everything though. Door deadening is essential with any speaker of that caliber.

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Their will be plenty of sound dampening. Thanks for the quick reply though, That helped out a lot.

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Better post a build log when you go with something like those.

My boss had the K2s in his Expedition with custom A Pillars made and those thing just rocked, but in his new X, there hasn't been any deadening yet so they sound mediocre, but soon enough, lots of deadening is going into that truck, so they will sound like they are suppose.trink40.gif

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I've never heared the Hertz.

The focal speakers are niiiice : I run a set of 165KP for 4 years, and I still love them.:fing34: They like the power I give them from my Sundown sax 50.4 bridged : 2 x 160 watts rms.

The tweeters may not be the best of the world, but they are better than a lot !

I think you can love any K series.

The vr ? Why not, if they're really cheaper ?!:peepwall:

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While i don't own the exact mids you speak of ...i do have the Hertz HSK 165's and Focal A1 165's ......overall sound i like my focals....but the Hertz have much more output and power handling.

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Thanks for the replys guys. I will be using one of these speakers with either a hertz EP2X or audison (srx probably) amp. So there will be plenty of power to feed these speakers and dual layers of sound deadening. I will leave the rear doors stock and using two ten inch treo TE's under the rear seat of my truck.

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