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Hzd Skizzy

What is Fi really made of. (Literally)

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This is out of pure curiosity. I just want to know what all the parts into these woofers are made of and i looked of on the site and found some things but im just seeing if theres any other specific details. I just want to know more about the internals than i do about the outside appearance. Simple question i suppose.

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Aluminum..steel...polycotton..kevlar..some foam..some pulp...ferrite..some solder and glue..

Coils are aluminum, motors and poles are steel, some spiders are poly cotton some are kevlar, the surrounds are foam/rubber blend, cones are kraft pulp, magnets are ferrite...and CA glue and some solder :).

Is that what you are looking for?

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Aluminum..steel...polycotton..kevlar..some foam..some pulp...ferrite..some solder and glue..

Coils are aluminum, motors and poles are steel, some spiders are poly cotton some are kevlar, the surrounds are foam/rubber blend, cones are kraft pulp, magnets are ferrite...and CA glue and some solder :).

Is that what you are looking for?

And a pinch of pixy dust! :P

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From the oompa loompa's that put them together.

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That was EXACTLY what i was looking for. You'll be hearing from me soon. Thank you very much.

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That was EXACTLY what i was looking for. You'll be hearing from me soon. Thank you very much.

Was it the oompa loompas or the pixie dust that did it for ya?

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it was the thought of oompa loompas on pixie dust making subwoofers that did it for me

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I personally don't care what its made of....as long as its made with love!

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Well I was just wondering what all were in these awesome subs but uh everything an oompa loompa makes, love is implied.

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