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I Just Got My Two New FI Q15s

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I just got my two fully loaded FI Q15s. These monsters weigh about 45 pounds each. The build quality of them is nothing short of amazing. I built two sealed boxes that have about 2.5 cubes per box for these things to pound in. Thanks goes out to Scott and the rest of the team at FI for making some of the best subs. These things are built like a Tank!! I just wish that FI would post some larger pictures of there stuff so they can show off all of the detail in their high quality subs. Thanks again FI for making a sound quality sub that also gets loud.

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welcome to forum. The looks of them Fi's are nice right. Too bad we dont see any pic!! J/K. Enjoy them bad boys! Pics Later??

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Congrats on your new subs. Great choice!. But I have to ask, why two boxes an not a comon chamber?

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Congrats on your new subs. Great choice!. But I have to ask, why two boxes an not a comon chamber?

I was going to post some pics but it wanted them to come from a website. They are on my SD card since I took them with my digital camera.

The reason for two boxes instead of one huge box is weight. I can lift one single box but a dual box would be hard. I know that FI recommends anywhere from 2 to 2.6 cubic feet per chamber so I wanted to get as close to 2.6 cubic feet per chamber or per sub as possible while still being able to fit them in my car. So I came up with two single boxes that allow each 15 to have its own box that has 2.5 cubic feet per chamber.

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