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Line Drivers?

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My question is that I know line driver boost up RCA voltage but how does this help? I have a cheap pioneer HU and have to turn it out to volume 60/62 to get atleast 2 volts, And that is with like the loud and SLA option, my question is the line driver necessary in my appplication? And if i get some kind of bass processor with a line driver I well not have to get another line driver. Is there a way in me trying to make a line driver? Thanks for the help......

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not again....

have you properly gain matched your amp to ensure it's not clipping at maximum desired volume level?

If your gain on your amp is maxed out and your head unit is too and you are still not clipping... then i would say yes but i highly doubt that's the case.

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Well on other forums I have seen that my HU clips at like 59 +/- so i don't go passed that and yes I do have the gains set accordingly. So would a line driver work as a good guy here? That way I get the cleanest signal to my amp/s?

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A line driver is almost never necessary anymore. Considering most amplifiers on the market can make full power with as little as .2V, about the only time I'd consider a line driver a viable option is if the amplifier had an intolerable amount of audible noise with a high gain setting. Even then, changing amplifiers might be a cheaper and more suitable option.

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A line driver is almost never necessary anymore. Considering most amplifiers on the market can make full power with as little as .2V, about the only time I'd consider a line driver a viable option is if the amplifier had an intolerable amount of audible noise with a high gain setting. Even then, changing amplifiers might be a cheaper and more suitable option.

This what happens to me I have the Gain up so much when I'm searching through songs etc......I could hear the subs in the back making a small humming sounds. So would a line driver be good in my application? I have the Us Amps Xt4000de v2 if that helps......

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Not really the type of "problem noise" I was really referring to that would necessitate a line driver or amplifier change. If it were cause audible problems during playback, that would be more of a cause for concern.

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Well I'm going to give a line driver a shot because my HU has shitty pre outs volts thanks for your help....

Oh and I forgot yeah it is during playback, When theres no bass in a part of a song I could still here the subs and bass boost is off, and my bass just sounds sloppy.

Edited by cheese20323

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Line driver isn't going to do anything about "sloppy bass".

Seems to me you already had yourself talked into a line driver, regardless of the waste of money they generally turn out to be. Adding a line driver also increases your risk of introducing ground loops and noise into the signal chain as you're adding another component to the chain. Also, I'm sure if you've actually pin-pointed the gain setting as the source of the "noise" or if you're just guessing, but unless you've been able to exclude all other variables and identify the gain setting as the cause then you're just throwing darts.

Really no point in this thread as it appears you were going to purchase one regardless.

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