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I am running an AQ-1200D @ .7 ohms to a 15 BL and my friend installed it yesterday and set the gain on the amp a little less than half way and when i turn the bass knob about 3/4 up and turn the volume up to like 25 out of 35 the clipping indicator on the bass knob illuminates on and off with the bass hits on some notes. its aggravating the shit out of me because I just spent alot of money and I dont want my shit to fuck up. He told me the amp could be too small for the sub or the HU is sending out bad waves to the amp. It sounds amazing, dont get me wrong. I just wanted some advice on how to get the clipping to stop. I have a Kenwood Excelon KDC-X792 head unit and it has 4 volt pre amp voltage.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Thank You

Edited by lilcs024

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Volume over half or so can clip the signal. Try keeping your volume knob down, and your bass knob down too. Turn up the gain a tiny bit (MAYBE 3/4) and then play with it but keep the bass knob out of it. Also what are your hu settings at?


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not to step on godsmack's toes, but why don't u just turn the gain down a bit, until you can take it to a shop with an o-scope?

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No thats a good point man. The O-scope is an AMAZING tool, and when used right is an invaluable piece of equipment. I kinda assumed he doesnt have one or a shop that has and knows how to use one. Hence the easy out.


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i dont have one of those, and really unfamiliar of what it does but i am going to go around locally and look. My HU settings for what like bass sub level and all of that?

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First off, what's your electrical system like? Second off, don't go talking about impedance rise, because in a daily situation it's garbage.

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i dont have one of those, and really unfamiliar of what it does but i am going to go around locally and look. My HU settings for what like bass sub level and all of that?

Eq should be set to flat.

NO bass boosting or super bass EQ on the headunit. Subwoofer output should be 0 dB...if you want to turn the sub(s) down then turn the sub output down on the headunit.

..and unhook that damn bass knob, it's just going to get you into trouble.

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Actually you're running the amp at 1 ohm, not .7. .7 is the DCR, 1 ohm is nominal impedance. Since amps put out AC voltage, you're dealing with impedance. Resistance is a DC value.

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i am running a 120 amp alt. with upgraded 4 gauge from the alt. to the battery. I have a 1.2 farad cap with no second battery

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First of all i have the a aq 2200 amp and i use the bass knob MOST amazing thing i've ever had on a amp its actually like a gift from the audio gods that tells you how hard you can beat your stuff without destroying some of your exspensive ground pounders. When it comes to clipping you can have a little clipping like little blinking redness JUST never let it go solid RED then your going to destroy stuff. Your voltage drop would tell us alot how your electrical keeps up with your system.

NO bass boost on AMP!

NO bass increased on DECK!

NO EQ boosting stuff at all!

Now i dont know how accurate Aq's clipping meter is but if you keep turning the knob up and its not getting louder and no red clipping indicated at either moment then i would back down just to be shure the knob isnt working. I never encountered any problems with mine(3months using the amp).

Rule to follow is just just dont go SOLID red, lower bass notes clip more then higher's one's:)

Im not no genius just what i been told if im wrong plz correct me and give a cracka a slap in da face.

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unhook your bass boost. and do like everyone sais. dont use any bass enhancers on the h/u or the knob. and turn your gain down a little until you get to a shop so they can check it out with an o-scope and have them accuratly set your gains.

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dude if its blinking a little bit its not a big deal use the knob IT's HELPING you more then it would hurt you ! that knob is the only thing telling you its clipping how will you know your clipping when its un hooked!

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i have the sub level on the HU set to +9 bc ma friend that installed it said if u have that up then it draws less power and the bass on the HU is +3 but it seems like if I turn the sub level to 0 and the bass down on the HU it wont be loud at all bc its not as loud now as I thought it would be. do i have to let it break in or should I turn the gain on the amp up and put everything down on the HU?

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i have the sub level on the HU set to +9 bc ma friend that installed it said if u have that up then it draws less power and the bass on the HU is +3 but it seems like if I turn the sub level to 0 and the bass down on the HU it wont be loud at all bc its not as loud now as I thought it would be. do i have to let it break in or should I turn the gain on the amp up and put everything down on the HU?

Don't let your friend touch your stuff anymore for one! I'm a newbie for the most part too and I already can tell they your friend has no clue about what he/she is doing.

Its not loud when you turn it down because those were the settings used when setting the gain. Zero everything out on the head unit and start over. Follow this tutorial and just do it yourself. Its super easy and the more you do yourself the more you'll learn. It's your equipment so learning how to set everything properly will also help trouble shooting when issue's like this arise. If possible and the best solution, have a shop set your gains with a scope so everything is spot on.

Secondly, I'm running 1600 watt rms on 0 gauge wiring all around ( Power & Big 3) with an optima yellow top and a 250 amp alt and I have voltages issue's on peak notes. So you might wanna beef up your electrical some more.

Edited by Teampapi79

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If you have a sub level on the HU when setting gains put it all the way up if you are not using the remote gain knob. Do not use the bass option on the headunit set it at 0. Set your gains according to this not set your gains and put sub level up. You wont need the knob just control everything from the sub level.

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no, 100 watts isn't too much for a BL if you do/don't know what you're doing.

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i dont understand why the gain on the amp is a little less than half and its not that loud and when it gets loud it clips

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