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No one should ever witness what I did

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Ok, well I was on my way to class and was running pretty late. Well as I was going down the road I came to in intersection, but it was still a good ways away I could just see it. Anyways, I see this buick coming around the corner just fuc*in flying, and the buick goes into a wall that's across the street. By this time I was close and stopped my truck and run to see if the person driving was ok (I couldn't see who it was b/c there was smoke). I get to the car and I see it's my grandfather, by this point there are about 10 nurses and some other people who stopped to see if the man was ok. I was in complete shock and could not believe it, I mean what are the odds of me being at the same spot at the time of the accident and it being my grandfather. If you are wondering why there were nurses it's b/c there was a hospital about 20 feet from the accident and they were outside smoking.

His car is gone, I think he may have hurt his neck and upper back but that's all I know as of right now. They police said, and from what my grandfather said, the cause of the accident was his shoes. Yes his shoes, the reason being is he had wet grass on his shoes and his foot slipped off the brake pedal and he panicked and hit the gass pedal. If he hadn't of hit the wall at an angle like he did he probably would have died. I dunno what a really really crappy day, it really tore me up to have to see something like that and know what could have happened.

Just thought I'd say I probably won't be around the boards much tonight and maybe tomorrow but I'll see you guys later.


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Sorry to hear that man. Best wishes to him and your family. Nothing more I can really say to help you cope. Just know that he is probly glad that YOU were there. During a crisis it is always good to have family close.

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damn thats bad news, at least he's alright. my best wishes to your family.

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Wow, first words to come to my mouth: Holy crap !

My bro's friend died instantly when he hit a brick wall with his car. He was going 120+ MPH though

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well thanks for the kind words guys but luckily my grandfather is just fine. He's just really sore in his neck and is badly bruised on his arms. He is very very lucky, good ol seat belt and air bags helped out.

Like I said, he's very lucky to walk away from an accident like this, b/c if he would have hit it dead on............well you can probably guess. oh and supa sorry to hear about your bro's friend.

Oh I forgot to mention, he's also 82 years old so the longer he can be around the better.

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It was a while ago, excessve speed, bald tires and a corner were his enemy.

The sidewalk was literally covered in candle wax.

At least gramps is o.k.

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I hope he recovers

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My condolences man, Very sorry to hear about that.. I am praying everything works out to normal.

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