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Big 3 on 06 Sentra.

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Here is my progress of the Big 3 on my Sentra.




Now here is the stock grounding point for the battery/engine chassis. (That little screw back there)


Since it is in the most extremely awkward position, can I instead ground to here with the new cable?


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I dont see why not as long as you scrub the paint down to bare metal.

So basically ANY bolt on the chassis will work?

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Hummm, not any bolt. As long as it's not metal connected to plastic or something you should be fine. Between that strut bolt and the metal would be good tho.

You could drill a new hole if it's easier on your install, just be sure to paint after you secure the bolt and ring terminal so it dont rust.

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Hummm, not any bolt. As long as it's not metal connected to plastic or something you should be fine. Between that strut bolt and the metal would be good tho.

You could drill a new hole if it's easier on your install, just be sure to paint after you secure the bolt and ring terminal so it dont rust.

Right. Thanks.

The engine-chassis is connected at the same point. Guess I'll just find a new bolt for that too.

It doesn't have to be the same right? Because the stock ground is the same for both.

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