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1500bd vs Dual 4ohm

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if i have two dual 4 ohm subs going into a 1 chanel mono amp..what would be the diference with wiring paralel as opose to just hooking up one voice coil to another negative to negative positive to positive and then hooking to the amp

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i know what it says on there i was just wondering what were the benefits of hooking them up paralel as opose to normal

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normal meaning pos and neg on one coil to pos and neg on the other coil and then pos and neg from one coil to the amp

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in wiring theres just two ways, paralel or series there isn't normal, just hook up to 1 ohm and your set.your other option is 4 ohms

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well i had it hooked up my way first and now i have it how it is on the diagram..it sounds pretty much the same..

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so you have +to+ on one side neg+neg on the other and did that with the other one and hooked up each sub to each terminal at the amp?

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yea pos on one coil to pos on the other one.. same for neg..and the pos and neg from the same coil to the amp same for both subs...thats how i had it..now i have it how it shows on the diagram taking a neg from one coil and the pos from the other coil

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am i crazy or is that what the diagram is showing one voice coil is on top the other on the bottom right???

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There is no difference in wiring, they both deliver electricity in the same way.

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Moving to general subwoofers...this doesn't belong here.

To the OP, the diagram has been posted for what you need to do...the lines connect the coils together how they should be connected.

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Wiring series or parallel is going to give you a different load on your amplifier. If you have a 1 ohm load, your amplifier is able to put out more power due to a lower resistance. No pro's or con's for the actual wiring, just gives you options on how you can hook them up.

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I believe he is asking if there is any difference in the wiring like the picture, which there isn't


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yea thats what im saying..i have it like the top one which seems normal but every diagram shows the botom one...so its the same either way?

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It's the same either way :)

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