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Can I do this? Elecitrcal question..

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So something came up and I have to wait a week or so to put in my dc power 270xp...

I'm going to be running a saz-3500d @ 1.33ohms and sax-125.2. I also have 3 optima yellowtops (i'll get some xs or kinetiks later)..

Could I get everything setup and run it off my stock alt? I think it's either 105 or 130amps..I obviously wouldn't abuse it and monitor my voltage..It would only be for about 3 or 4 days..


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Yes, it will be just fine. In most cases it would suffice for long term use actually. The additional batteries reduce the stress load on the alternator, as it is voltage, not current regulated. With such a huge storehouse of power, the drop in voltage will be less significant, and the alternator will not have to work as hard.

Keep in mind, though, that there is a point where you simply have too much battery, and it will start to overload the battery. I generally recommend that you stick with 2 batteries on a >120amp alt, just to be on the safe side, but because of the relatively low internal resistance of the yellow tops you should be OK.

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