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Electrical For A FI BTL

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Ok guys just wondering what you would recommend me I can do on my current electrical. Currently I have an 18 Fi Bl d2 running with a sundown Saz-1500d. My electical consists of the big three being done in 1/0 gauge and an optima yellow top up front with around 1000 ca and a newer Ford 700ca battery in back. I am just looking for a setup to get lower and louder than the BL can. The Bl is in a 7.3ish cu ft book tuned at like 31-32 hz. Currently my headlights lights have almost no dimming whatsoever so I know I have a decent electrical. My budgets right around 800. So I'm looking into selling the BL on here and getting the BTL. I'd probably end up building a new box for the BTL and tune around 28-30 hz. But for an amp, do you think I could run an Aq 2200d at 1 ohm sufficiently with my electrical? Thanks for the suggestions and any input.

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You need to focus on AH no CA or CCA.

What ohm load are you running right now?

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Gain 1/2 way could still = heavy clipping. . .

From a 1500D to a 2200D will not big a huge difference in electrical stress. You have a decent electrical system, install everything and then upgrade as required.


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You may not even hear a difference with your upgrade. The new box - yes, the rest - maybe

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