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explenation videos: why I need more excursion and Xmax‏

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I've been talking to a fellow forum member who has been very helpful leading me to some of you driver building companies and repair shops. He suggested that I make a video showing what I have and what I am doing. For a few of you this will be very redundant, sorry.

The vids:

First is a track made for me by DB-Audio consisting of 13Hz and 19Hz sine waves, blowing seeds through the port to show the insane amount of air being moved.

Second is a vid I just made showing some of the van, but I forgot to show inside the enclosure where the amps and batteries are as well as under the hood with the AGM batterie, HO alt, and wiring. Some parts got windy so you cant hear a for a few seconds here and there.

What I have:

It all starts with alts, right? one Iraggi 200A @ idle 220A peak alternator. I am waiting to hear back on the 2nd and 3rd alternators. I chose the highest idle output sacrificing highest peak output. I will have three when it is finished.

0 gauge power throughout, except 4 gauge on the Kicker KX200.2

Under the hood, a group 31 AGM Deka Intimidator knock off made by O'Reilley auto parts.

In back, 2 large 100AH AGMs. I will add 2 more of the large 100AH batteries after I get the other 2 alternators installed and possibly a missinglinkaudio voltage regulator.

4 Audiopipe AP30001D's rated 3000 RMS @ 2 ohm. 1 amp per 18" covering 22Hz-31.5Hz

1 Kicker KX850.4 on 4 Adire Audio Extremis 6.4's running 71Hz-710Hz. Yes I am aware this "creates a hole" from 31Hz-71Hz. I said I'm doing this different~! 50 cubic feet, 20" diameter port, 18" long, resulting in a 23Hz tuning!

1 Kicker KX350.4 bridged on 2 CSS FR125S 4.5's running 710Hz-8kHz

1 KX200.2 on 2 Vifa XT25TG30 1" Ring Radiator tweets

From the top, Alpine IVA-W505 DVD touch screen to control an Alpine PXA-H701 digital crossover via Ai-NET cable.

01' Chevy Astro van, 120 cans of Great Stuff expanding foam.

3/4" MDF sides, roof, doors.

Front wall is 5 layers of 3/4" MDF, 2 layers recessed for countersunk subs. Backed by a doubled up 2"x6" frame. Hydrogen bomb proof.

Rear wall is a single layer of 3/4" MDF backed by single layer frame of 2"x6"s

12 large tubes of PL PRO subfloor adhesive just for the front wall, more than 30 total tubes used.

I only recently completed the structural build, so cosmetics will start soon. It looks messy now, but I haven't even started cosmetics.

I can get 6 18" RE Audio XXX 18's, the 06' version, for $800 a piece authorized online dealer. If I can cut that in 1/2, $400, I'd buy some custom subs with 40mmXmax and 50mm Xmech! ( I need 2 18's for my home theater that also implements 2 IB3 18's... 128 cubic feet per enclosure, 12" diameter port 5" long for a 14Hz tune run off a pair of Behringer EP4000s)

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