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wire company

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is it ok to use speaker wire from canadian tire on a btl 15 dual 2 or a brand company off the internet

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Wire is wire, to an extent.

The main differences in wire are going to be the actual thickness of the wire cable itself, some low end brands will use smaller physical wire with a thicker jacket. So it may be labeled 12ga, but the physical wire may be equivalent to 14ga or 16ga. Second is going to be the number of strands. The only thing the number of strands really matters for is flexibility; the more strands, generally the more flexible. Not a major problem for smaller gauge wire, though. Third is the material used to make the wire. I guess I can't say off hand that I've seen any smaller gauge wire that's not actual copper, though I'm sure it exists just as it does for power wire. Some wire is actually copper clad aluminum (CCA) instead of actual copper. CCA has less current capabilities.

But as long as the wire is copper, the proper actual gauge and flexible enough for your needs.....yes, wire is wire.

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I went with some cheap wire once they said it was very good wire and that it was metal not copper so i buy it and it comes precut so once i cut it and strip it it some real cheap ass wire. There was a metal part on just the ends and after that its cheap copper strands that are like hair sized

Edited by cheese20323

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just go to knuckonceptz.com they have some of the best prices around. Matter fact imma go buy some speaker wire right now

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