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Wiring help please!!!!!

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So i just got my dual 2 ohm 15 inch BTL fully loaded and I am going to run a 2100 hifonics amp to power it. So today i go to my local car audio shop so they can install it for me and they said that they can only wire it down to 3 ohm or .75 ohm because the voice coils are 1.4 ohm each...However, everyone else on this forum says they are running their 2 ohm Fi sub down to 1 ohm. I am a complete car audio noob so if someone could please tell me if this is true or not i would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you!

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And thats why you dont take your car to a shop!!

(parallel) = 1 ohm load

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It will be 1 ohm or 4 ohm. The coils read .7 for 1 ohm ( how you want to wire it) and 1.4 for 2 ohm ( what each coil is independently)

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The shop is like 75% of the rest of the people on this planet that do not know the difference between AC impedance and DC resistance. . .

A DMM only reads DC resistance. What you play through a speaker is not DC.

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The shop is like 75% of the rest of the people on this planet that do not know the difference between AC impedance and DC resistance. . .

A DMM only reads DC resistance. What you play through a speaker is not DC.

Seriously, local car audio shops suck! atleast all the ones i've been to. They all try to push their shitty ass subs/amps and and always get mad when you try to challenge their opinions.

Not to mention the rip-off install prices, the extremely poor customer service of local shitty car audio stores is exactly why I am on this site now, researching and learning on my own so that I can save $$$ and have a way better system!

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Yeah they are reading the DCR of the voice coils. The funny thing is if they hooked up a DMM to one of their woofers it'd be DCR so they are just trying to knock a product they don't sell.

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So long story short..if i wire my BTL in parallel my amp will not fry and i will be wired down to 1 ohm?

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No and yes

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As long as your hifonics amp is 1ohm stable then yes you can wire your btl in parallel. Just tell the shop to wire it in parallel, then check and make sure it looks like this: 1_2ohm_dvc_1ohm.gif

If they mention anything about it being .75 then just tell them thats cool and you don't care. It's often pointless to try and explain something to some shops... goes in one ear and goes out the other, not all shops, but a fair amount.

by the way, considering your having the shop do the install, you should adjust your gain setting on the amp when their done, who knows where and how they set it.

If you don't know what the gain is or how to set it then search the forum, I'm not going to spell everything out for ya ;)

Post back with how everything goes :popcorn:

Edited by stefanhinote

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Do it yourself? it isn't hard??

Watch the video...I could have sworm I already posted this in this thread..

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