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SAX 100.4 gain issue?

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So today i noticed something interesting regarding my SAX100.4.

I am currently running no subs (waiting for my saz2500(2) to come in) so my setup is the big 3, h/o, 2-nsb90, 2-zapco RB13.2 comps and the 100.4

so let me see if i can explain this issue correctly...

here is my door panels for starters


so i currently have all 4 channels in use and the crossover point is 80hz

channel 1/2 - is 1 set of gains and filters (hpf)

channel 3/4 - is another set of gains and filters (hpf)

i am at the 1x range

and hpf

on channel 1/2 i have the gain set to 1/4 of the way up (just positioning i am not a noob it is for reference sakes)

to match the output of 1/2 i have to set 3/4 gains to nearly 5/8 of the way up and even still channel 1/2 still sound louder then 3/4 for output

my volume on my h/u is set at 45out of 50 and let me tell you these comps sound awesome almost skin peeling, they can take about 100rms so 200rms per side. and i do not notice any distortion or anything wrong

my question (finally) is it normal for me to have to set 1 set of gains higher then the other?

i have ruled out the RCA as the issue as i have switched them and i got the same result. for example channel 1/2 is the left side of the car and channel 3/4 is the right side of the car, so i switched them and i got the same result one side needed to be turned up, so this also ruled out the speakers as the issue

umm what else can i say input voltage is a steady 14.4-14.6VDC , impedance of the speaker is around 4ohm per set

other then that i am out of idea's and i need some help but if this isn't an issue then i ma not going to worry about it and just leave it as is.



and yes before anyone asks i still get the same issue (potential issue) when my volume is 35/50

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hey guys i am off to work if anyone has any idea's of what this is either an issue or i shouldn't worry about it just post that and or if you have anything else i can try please let me know!

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That isn't normal... it could be that the value of the knob for 3/4 gain is too high of resistance, though, perhaps a worker grabbed the wrong one. As long as you can adjust it and make it equal though it won't hurt anything.

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Okay thank you for the the advise I will not worry about. It is funny how in my 3 year of owning it I never noticed it and it took two sets of comps for me to realize it lol. Again thanks for the reply problem solved

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Make sure the head unit doesn't have the fader favoring one side over the other.

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one set of rca's with y-splitter?

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nope the fader is set to the middle and i am using all 4 pre-outs from the h/u (front left/right, and rear left/right)

and i did try just splitting the front left and right rca and i did get the same result again

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Ya that is what I was thinking but I guess Jacob has the best answer

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If the fader is balanced and you even used a y-splitter, it's the amp.

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