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well my sub came, sort of.....

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well i had ordered some items from someone over at CA.com Friday 9th. I received the image dynamic speakers thursday I believe without the sub. I couldn't imagine why I didn't get both of them but I just shrugged it off. Well.....I just got back from a trip and I told my parents about it and they said "Yeah, we have something to tell you." My dad hands me an envolpe that has nothing but a label and an aplogoy note from the postal service.

Basically someone either A) stole my sub or B. lost the package which I have no idea how you lose something this big.

so we are going to go talk to the people about this monday. I'm really bummed about it :(

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that stinks, I hope they get you your money back asap

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yeah, I'm hoping the guy did insurance on it. What do I say to them? Do I just ask if the package was insured and they give me money or what? This has never happened to me before.

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wow, that sucks man

Hope you can get everything worked out

He probably sent it in the normal ID box, those usually have the name plastered everywhere, the sub model...ect

Not to hard to tell whats in it with all that "advertising"

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Yeah I have a feeling the guy packed it in a box that says what it was. And actually it was an old skewl solo baric c-series sub. He did send the image dynamics in the original box, but it was inside of a regular brown box. I honestly think someone took it, because I can't imagine someone "losing" a big box(you should see the box the image dynamics came in)

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be carefull as whoever stole it now has your address from the lable and knows you have a system ! i dont trust the postman ! :domoslay:

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Well, I went and talked to the post office the other day and the best they could do was tell me to write to the headquarters (basically where everything is sent if it's lost or something, can be determined where it's suppose to go) so I have to write them or something. The guys at the post office did say something interesting though, They said that memphis is where it got lost and all that was shipped was the label.......

sooooo someone from memphis got my sub. gayyyy

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start making some calls and stay on their case, I really hope you get your money back or a new sub

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