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Options to get with Fi Q

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OK I have made up my mind and I am going with the FI Q and I think I know what to get in the options but just want someone to tell me if somethign wont work right or where I messed up.

It will be going in a ported box and I got my information from here by NDMstang65


Cooling: YES (because its 200-500 rms more so nothing negative here...)

Dustcap: Original

P Chamfer: NO (because it comes with cooling package)

High QTS: NO (because it is not going in a sealed box)

Spider: YES (nothing negative here either just more support)

I Heat Ring: I dont think so? Anyways I am palnning to tune around 32 Hz so I dont think I want my subwoofer to "play up a little higher in the frequency range"

Are these options ok for ported ~32Hz? I maybe misread something so just want to clear it up.

And here

"Ported box we recommend using 1.8-2.5 cubic feet @ 28-33Hz (I personally think that a 32 Hz tuning is optimal, and has the most output and is still the most musical daily driving). Use 12-16 square inches of vent area per one cubic foot of enclosure volume."

Are there any exact dimmensions I should follow to tune to 32 Hz?

Edit: And also I think I need dual 2 ohm to wire 1 ohm right?

If this is the case I can get it shipped to where I live for ~$312 (shipping included) and the shop I go to the guy can build me a box for ~$80 so everything will come out around 400 bucks.

Edited by SomeFiGuy

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anybody think that just cooling and spider are ok? I am already going to order it but just waiting for confirmation to make sure I dont mess up.

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anybody think that just cooling and spider are ok? I am already going to order it but just waiting for confirmation to make sure I dont mess up.

Yes that is all you can get if ran in a ported box as the site says

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Ok man thanks for checkin it out for me. Can't wait to hear my new fi.

Edit: xD

Edited by SomeFiGuy

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