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Starting new Box build .. need expert opinion

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Well I got a couple more 15" Rockford Fosgate RFR2215 Power DVC subs.. now I am ready to do my four 15's setup. At Slamology I got a 148.1 in DB Drag with 2 15's and 2 12's at 44hz. My goal with this new box build with four 15's is to hit 150db mark.

I recently just started playing with Bass Box Pro and Google Sketchup and I have come up with a Design in Bass Box Pro and then tried to Model it the best I could in Google Sketchup so here it is. This will be powered by a T40001bd.


12 cubes after sub,port,bracing displacement with 1" MDF

4 6" PVC Ports 10.5" Long to get a tune at 38.01hz

There will be a total of 9 1" Dowel rods for bracing in the box 4 from top to bottom 3 from front to back and 2 from side to side. I am also planing on rounding the internal corners for better flow. Also thinking about making the 4 ports removable and have another set for SPL tuning like around 50hz.

Here is a Google SketchUp Video I made


And The Bass Box Pro pics so you can see the complete design






Which one of these would be a better port config?

I know they say that you have to have at least one port width distance from any wall and I dont know if I can do it either way but I will have some distance though. Having the 4 port's in a line I will have more then enough port width away for any wall but two of the ports will be very close to the sub. With the two on top and two on bottom config I have plenty of space from sub's but can only get about 3.25" distance from the top or bottom.

Any Thoughts on which way will work / performs better?

here are examples.



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If this is in a Mountaineer I've had good results with the port as low as possible.

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If this is in a Mountaineer I've had good results with the port as low as possible.

Yes this is in a 2003 Mercury Mountaineer

So 4 ports straight across would be best port config with the ports low... now is it detrimental for the ports to be at least a port width away from the bottom?

or can I go 1/2 port width away from bottom.. what kind of problem are related to not being the proper distance away?

Edited by Hotdog69

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