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gain setting questions

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I have been messing around with my amps and gains the past few days and have a question. I have been trying to set both amps using a DMM and some test tracks (55 and 1k hz). When I run these tracks, I can get the gain set using the multimeter, yet as soon as I put in any music cd's, it is quiet.

When at 26 on my deck, the tracks read 22V and 14V for the sub and speaker amps, respectivly, yet when I run music at the same level, it only reads like 5V and 2.5V... Is music suppose to run quieter or would it be ok to up the gain a little?

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Yes, the voltage output with music will be significantly lower. The test tone you are using is probably 0db, essentially meaning it's recorded at the highest possible level. Music on the other hand will have an average level much lower, somewhere in the -6db to -20db range depending on the music and recording process. This means that with music, you are going to get much less average power from the amplifier than you would with that 0db test tone.

Two ways to combat this; 1) Use a test tone other than 0db, for example a -3db, -6db or -10db test tone, to set the gain with the DMM, 2) Set the gain by ear with a sampling of your typical music.

I would vote for the latter, unless you are incapable of noticing when your drivers are being stressed or overdriven. In which case, use a -3db or -6db test tone.

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normally what i do is set the gains via dmm first using a 50hz tone (for sub amps that is) and then plug in my remote GAIN knob and i use my noise and hearing to listen/smell for distortion or bottoming out or clipping as best as i can and turn it down respectively.

keep in mind if you have a bad recording of your song aka 120 or less bit rate the song will sound funny.

as for setting your speak amp(s) i don't use anything i just use the volume knob and turn the gains to about half way and adjust the gains as required over the next couple of days till i find a spot a like.

since all mp3 aren't recorded equally(unless you rip them yourself the same ever time or normalize all your music) some songs will sound a lot different then others

just remember key thing is don't pound your system until you know it can handle it and until you are comfortable with it. and remember keep adjusting those gains and use your ears to hear for stress in your speakers.

also my way isn't the best but it is the way i use and it works good for me!

everyone has there own little tricks to doing things and i am sure other ppl will chime in with there!

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