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Linear Power & Blues Car Audio

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Congradulations guys, I didn't get to go to the last competition on the coast but heard you did well again. 4 first places and 2 second places with you taking 1st and 2nd in on catergory. Keep up the good work, the stuff really sounds great! From my count that means you have 40 plus trophies this season between all the vehicles. Can't wait to see all the vehicles at finals, if they all sound as good as the couple I have heard you are going to keep blowing everyone away!!

Oh and further contrats to Richard, I heard he went to a mid western regionals 3 weeks ago and took first place with 7 vehicles entered in his class and these were not any light weight vehicles, hey were some of the best around that area!

Your guys equipment is getting talked about alot in my area, by the SQ guys,

Edited by whodat

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Thanks for the kind words, they make the hard work worth it. I did a complete rebuild of the truck the week of the show in Platte City/Kansas City and literally finished the install the morning of the show. I turned the last screw hooking up the wires, plugged in all RCA cables and speaker wires, turned the key to make sure everything played, locked the truck, took a shower, got dressed, and drove to the show.

The new amp rack allows the seat to go further back so it images better than before. I also finally got the a-pillars done so the tweeter mounts look finished and as OEM as possible. All that's left is to finish the dash bezel so the radio is flushed in and I'm done. There's not much else I can do to it. The next one is the MGB, but I won't compete with it, too many things to overcome with the car and no room to do it.

The component sets at least are in and shipping, as are the 8's and 10's. The amps are about a year away unfortunately, but the wait will be worth it. Just watch the website for updates.

Thanks again for the kind words!

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So who beat you guys out for your second places, and what equipment were they using? Do any of you guys compete is IASCA as well or only USACI? If not, why not?

Most people talk %$&* about USACI stating the real competitors compete in IASCA.

Edited by jimmy2345

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The guy who beat me was Randle (Cablguy on here) and after the sheets were tallied correctly, there was one point difference in his and mine. I was in a different class than I normally run, usually I run Modified Q, but since we had multiple vehicles in the same class, I changed to one with install to see how I would fare. So LP/Blues went one-two in Modified SQ+, with John Neal (6Appeal) taking 2nd in my normal class. The car that beat him was a blue Scion, but I never saw the actual car. Todd Crowder told me which car it was and that it sounded pretty darn good. I wish I would have gotten to hear it. I'll try to find out who owns it and what they run for you.

As far as IASCA goes, I've never seen or heard of an IASCA show near me, but would love to enter one to see how the truck would do. I'll look on their site to see if I can find a show near me and make plans to attend. Do you know of any off the top of your head that are close to Springfield, MO?

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Wow! Nice finishes gentlemen!

Maybe Ray can offer the members of SSA some of that classy Blues Product. trink40.gif

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Product is for sale and shipping now Ray says. He is giving dealer pricing to the general public selecting one or two people in a area to sell it to at a discounted rate to help it get stareted. Once he has dealers and product moving the discounts will go away to protect his dealers.

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Thanks for all the kind words guys. That show(Scrapin)was a blast, Can't wait to see everyone at Finals. and maybe a few shows in between.

Please keep checking the websites for updates. :drink40:

The largest midbass drivers we are runing is the 8s in one of the vehicles, everyone else, 6 1/2s. 10s used as midbass drivers would be a Ray question.

Largest subs - 10s ... Maybe some are thinking of using the 6 1/2s as sub drivers.

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As far as I know, no one on our team is using 10's as anything other than a sub, although I guess they could be used that way, I would have to ask Ray to be sure.

Sir-Lance, a pair of 6's in each door of your truck would be nuts and would find any rattles you have in your doors! (like you haven't already with those giant subs you have!)

Thanks for the kind words as well! Hopefully I can find a show out your way so you can hear them firsthand one day soon.

98GMC... Thanks for the kind words as well. Maybe there will be a show close to you as well that I can travel to so you can hear them and give your opinion to the rest of the forum. I try not to be biased, but it's hard to prove, especially when I can't give the detailed explanations that some of the other, more knowledgeable members here can. I prefer to let others listen and make their own decisions.

Sir-Lance, TJ Lacharite will be running SIXTEEN of the 10's in his truck in a wall with just one 8" component set up front for mids/highs. We are hoping to have it finished before finals this year.

Thanks for the well wishes everyone, and congrats to Randle for winning at Scrapin, along with all the other members of Linear Power/Blues!!

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If Ray ever wants an unbiased review of the 8's on this forum, my car is always open :D

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If Ray ever wants an unbiased review of the 8's on this forum, my car is always open :D

^^ X2

I would vote Impious too.

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Product is for sale and shipping now Ray says. He is giving dealer pricing to the general public selecting one or two people in a area to sell it to at a discounted rate to help it get stareted. Once he has dealers and product moving the discounts will go away to protect his dealers.

Do we contact Ray at Linear Power for pricing on the 8"?

Nvm it's Email Us! trink40.gif

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If Ray ever wants an unbiased review of the 8's on this forum, my car is always open :D

X eleventymillion

I would vote for Impious as well. Barring that, would you be willing to listen to them in one of our vehicles or would that skew the results?

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Brad did an excellent 3rd party review on the SSA Dcon, has a review planned for some Bravox components, so I know he will do a great job if a review is needed.

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Brad did an excellent 3rd party review on the SSA Dcon, has a review planned for some Bravox components, so I know he will do a great job if a review is needed.

Do you have a link to Brad's review?

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I didn't get to see or listen to the car that beat me, but Todd Crowder did say it was a good sounding car. I can't remember what team shirts they had on. So I've got to come up with a few more points. A new sub stage and few tweaks, but nothing radical like rebuilding.

The big deal is that SQ judging is very different from SPL. There is no meter to spit out a number. Each judge is different, so nothing is concrete. The judge(s) at Scrapin' scored Rich's system completely different from others have a other shows he has gone to. But you can see that across all the shows he has done with different judges. The judge(s) should be very consistant, which IMO is what you should see.

jimmy2345 - Actually, a lot of the top USACi systems also compete in ISACA. A fellow GN owner, John Sketoe (sp?) does both and wins/places at finals at each. As Rich said, not too many IASCA shows around us. I even looked for a show while I was on vacation over the 4th weekend, but none were to be found in the Cincy area.

Sir-Lance - You really need to hear the 8's before thinking 10's as mid-bass.

Overall, a good time was had by all. Congrats to all our team. Good show, some nice rides, some nice systems and taking home a few trophies, what else could you ask for? The exception would be the heat (heat index was around 110!!!) and attempting to rebuild the A/C clutch in TJ's truck in the O'Reilly's parking lot, then just replacing the A/C compressor totally. That made a long, hot day that much longer and hotter, but gave the judge a cool truck to listen to the next day.

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Brad did an excellent 3rd party review on the SSA Dcon, has a review planned for some Bravox components, so I know he will do a great job if a review is needed.

Do you have a link to Brad's review?

12" Dcon Review - SSA Car Audio Forum

Bravox review should start getting around this weekend.

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The exception would be the heat (heat index was around 110!!!)

Very True !! Almost unbearable.

Great show !!!

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Update on Blues and Linear Power, I now understand that MG_SQ is World points leader in SQ for USACi, the site tally sheet isn't updated to current but I talked with Ralph Randall and he said Richard was in the lead with around 500 points. He has won 10 or more first places and two second places losing only to two other Blues vehicles and never to another product so far. So congratulations to MG_SQ for his sucesses.

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Update on Blues and Linear Power, I now understand that MG_SQ is World points leader in SQ for USACi, the site tally sheet isn't updated to current but I talked with Ralph Randall and he said Richard was in the lead with around 500 points. He has won 10 or more first places and two second places losing only to two other Blues vehicles and never to another product so far. So congratulations to MG_SQ for his sucesses.

Very impressive!

Congrats MG_SQ!


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Very nice!

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