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Playing around with a Fluke thermal imager

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Got my hands on a FLUKE TiR thermal imager for the day so I figured I do a little testing on the heating and cooling of my subs/amps.




So Playing my system full blast for about 4 1/2 minutes (usher-daddys home off decaf's zip 14) The main frequencies peak at 39hz, 38hz, and 26hz. Subs just starting to get stinky(clipping a tad to see how hot I can get them)

Subs are in a 17C.F C-pillar wall after displacement, tuned to roughly 28hz. Subs are (2)18" AA Mayhem D1, amps are (2)Colossus XXV clamped at 2,800 RMS each.

First image was taken within seconds after turning down the volume to 0.


Shows the center(dustcap area) of the sub being roughly 132 degrees, and just next to the dustcap 108 degrees.

Second picture was about ~15 seconds at volume 3/4 way to full tilt.


Notice about a 10 degree drop in 15 seconds.

Another ~15 seconds later, volume still about 3/4 way to full tilt...


Not bad, these subs are cooling off nicely!

Now to the amps, Testing on these were done while system was up full tilt.



Notice my mids amp on the bottom left getting hotter than the subs amp? Roughly 105-106 degrees.



Sub amp seems to be about the same, 105 degrees now in 2 spots(looks to be location of the mosfets)

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Awesome test man. I want one of those now! They don't penetrate through walls, correct?

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Awesome test man. I want one of those now! They don't penetrate through walls, correct?

One of the things they are made for is to see through walls thermally for insulation and stuff. This one retails for roughly $9,000 too lol

Edited by the_dude

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Nice peice of equipment!

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ya i have seen one of those used at a house showing where all the air leaks where-- around sockets- attic doors- can lgihts- then they went and sealed them up--

but i believe u don't want your house as tight as can be i like a house to breathe - it seems house that are sealed up tend to have lots of problems just my POV

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ya i have seen one of those used at a house showing where all the air leaks where-- around sockets- attic doors- can lgihts- then they went and sealed them up--

but i believe u don't want your house as tight as can be i like a house to breathe - it seems house that are sealed up tend to have lots of problems just my POV

You are correct on that, at least in my eyes. I know you should have gable vents in your attic, or some sort of ventilation. And a vent system in your bathroom to remove the moisture in the air when taking a shower. But as far as around the windows/doors you dont want any leaks, especially in winter in a cold climate. At least this is how I feel about it... I'm not too knowledgeable in this field though lol

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A couple years back when my dad was doing some freelance Electrical Engineering we had about 3-4 of those fluke meters in our basement :P. He was developing something for Firefighters, it's been so long, i barely can remember though, they were some fun.

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