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MMATS D300hc *****gotta luv it*****

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I've had about 3 of them and l loved each one the same, I've had alot of big amps and this lil puppy is the only one that starts to smoke the coils on my DDs within mins of serious play, not enough to blow my 9515s but if you ever need a small amp that puts out a REAL 1500-1800 watts D300hc is the only way to go for 250-300 bucks the only down side is that it does NOT have a subsonic filter and me and other guys like me that loves the sound of a ported enclosure , that comes in handy..

just bought me another one for 80 bucks (blown) :D

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I've had about 3 of them and l loved each one the same, I've had alot of big amps and this lil puppy is the only one that starts to smoke the coils on my DDs within mins of serious play, not enough to blow my 9515s but if you ever need a small amp that puts out a REAL 1500-1800 watts D300hc is the only way to go for 250-300 bucks the only down side is that it does NOT have a subsonic filter and me and other guys like me that loves the sound of a ported enclosure , that comes in handy..

just bought me another one for 80 bucks (blown) :D

MMats=good product---as for subsonic filters look into harrison labs Fmods---they worked for me in alot of installs over the years---and good luck with the D300hc.


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