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SA-8 Noob Question

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Trying to wire up now- not worried about what ohm to wire it up to got that

i got 3 and i am wiring it to 1.33 ohms

and i was gonna just use the wire terminal as a jumper to get the neutral and power wire to the other subs

like 2 wires on the terminals on 2 of the subs and the last sub will just have 1 wire into all the terminals because i dont have to jump it on the far end

so my question is can two 12 gauge wires fit in one of the terminal in the sa8-- if not would it be better to run a seperate run for each speaker to where the wires are coming into the box- or would wire nutting them and getting a good tape job be good enough

cant wait to try these out-to make sure my box is good so i can put the evercoat rage on and wrap it up so i can be bumping again



Edited by klee7013

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You can actually go smaller when wiring from terminal to terminal.

I actually like to wire each + and - to the binding posts themselves.

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I actually like to wire each + and - to the binding posts themselves.


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hmmm thanks for the feedback- guess i need to go buy some more wire :(

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just cut some strands off the 12 gauge so it fits in the terminal. no need to buy smaller wire..

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