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dem beats

Health check

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Keeping myself honest by setting this up here.

I need to drop a lot of weight. I am flirting with 400 lbs currently and only 6’2. For the first time in my adult life my weight is putting a strain on my day to day life. Up untill recently my lungs heart and muscles have been able to make my weight seem trivial. I even had a recent stress test where they had me pedal and took movies of my heart and measurements after 2 shots of adrenalin and I got 2 thumbs up from the cardiologist. I didn’t feel so great though, but the docs chalked it up to indigestion.

The other day though I was going up a few floors of stairs and I was honestly winded. I’ve never really had that problem previously. It was the turning point that set me from “Oh I can fix this and get healthy later(denial)” to “I need to get this in serious check ASAP”.

I think it’s important to make this a public matter to at least keep me honest/motivated. My lifestyle when I was a health guy along with that specific support structure is not in the cards anymore and it’s become more and more complex trying to balance healthy living and getting things done in life. I’ll try to update this thread frequently, if not daily if for no other reason than to be accountable.

-What I plan to update on is measurements on a weekly if not more frequent basis. I have a myo-tape somewhere but I cannot find it currently and would rather get this started than wait for that to show up.

-As for weight I may take a no scale method. If I can get my hands on a body fat percentage reader I will try that. My last assessment a couple months ago revealed 37%, given through the electric signal type reader. I think that might be a couple % low actually as that would mean 252 is 0% body fat and I’m not a taller Ronnie Coleman.

-I’ll also log diet. Also, I hope to log my exercise regularly and my goal here is to get into the actual gym 3 times a week and pedal/cardio at home or actually take the dog for walks. 

-I am not set on final goals. I need to spend a weekend getting a menu and program set up with steps to reach these goals first, but I needed to start the diet and general exercise now because I mentally needed to start this.

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Basic diet structure.

In the beginning of this program I will be going for a modified Ketogenic diet. I will be going for a higher protein moderate fat and extremely low carbohydrate diet. I’m plan to be watching my carb intake and having an absolute maximum of 20g per day, bonus points for keeping it under 10 is a plus. The most major modification would be to limit fat much more than a classic Keto/atkins diet would. I’ll be using fish oil supplements untill I get my favorite fat product, udo’s oil. The reason for the fat restriction is due to the high density of calories per gram. I don’t need the extra energy it will give me.

This brings me to the timing and staging of my diet. I’ll keep the modified keto diet as mentioned earlier for a minimum of 2 weeks. I will have to judge progress from there. My goal is to drop a large amount of body weight quickly so that I can get to a point where I feel I can run, squat and participate in those activities without risking my body due to the extreme weight I’m carrying. This is why I’m not setting absolute weight goals as of yet. I need to know what my ankles knees and back can tolerate before I can move into a long term exercise and diet life change.

I’ll update my diet to having high GI carbs after lifting when I get to that point. Most of you guys have heard me sing the praises of post work out (PWO) sugar and protein as a supplement for intense exercise.

Basic exercise structure.

In the beginning of this program I will be concentrating on getting my lungs back up to a high capacity, and getting my heart more fit. I’ll be spending a lot of time on the recumbent pedaler in the basement getting my capacity up. I’ll also be doing moderate weight training in preparation for when I can run and squat again. So for the first 2 weeks minimum I will be looking at 3x30 min trips to the gym for weight training, and then cardio, again mostly done in the house in the basement.

After having dropped enough raw weight and getting my joints to a place where they can handle more taxing effort I’ll switch to an intense lifting program and keep in line with making sure I keep high lung and heart capacity. I really loath cardio in general but it’s been my strongest asset for health. I was running 7 min miles for 3-5 miles 3 times a week when I was 265. I didn’t feel “stressed” by it either but I am older now so I’ll keep my expectations low. The reason for switching to a higher intensity weight lifting is that it will boost my metabolism fast and longer than with cardio. Time and time again I have found in real life and on paper that a high level of weight training yields far better results than any amount of cardio. It’s also easier to control and see gains in the mirror and on paper. The added long term effect of more muscle tone and strength will be welcome as I get older.

Philosophy and long term goals.

One of the biggest reasons I haven’t made a change yet is that I’m still healthy. It’s hard to imagine, but my cardio vascular system was recently looked at and given the big OK from the cardiology head at the U of M cardio team. I have been able to run, lift more, work longer and stay injury free than almost every one of my friends. This made it all too easy to coast and feel I didn’t need to make a change. Very recently though I noticed that my physical abilities are beginning to slip, and even if it’s due to age, I know it won’t get easier with time. I also know I could perform so much better in every single task I care about as a lean person compared to a fat person.

Exercise will be the larger factor in my ultimate long term health goals. Right now it’s all about dropping first weight, and then dropping fat as efficient and fast as possible. Much further down the road I just hope to stay as active as possible. I have at least 1 auto immune disorder. Psoriasis on my joints is spreading along with some other skin issues. I’m also pretty sure I have the first stages of fibromyalgia and that the psoriasis is working into my joints internally. I’ve noticed arthritic like pain when the weather changes and it’s too much. All the right food and even being the right weight won’t help these factors…. The strongest panacea for these problems is activity. Maybe I’ll join a sport, maybe I won’t. I do know long term I need to continue to keep moving and right now that means outside of my work life. Before I can get to this long term life changer I have to get my weight and behavior patterns in better check. I don’t live nesicarily poorly and I don’t eat that much more that the average person, and I know I eat a LOT healthier, but the combination of some bad bad medical speed bumps in my life along with sitting all day made for an ideal situation to turn into what I am now. So now I am going to change it permanently.

One of the most important factors here is that this is a needed change before I do actually suffer heart or other serious complications with my body. If this doesn’t work for some reason, as in I fail to keep on track, I promised my wife I would look into surgery. I feel that it’s not an option to have surgery so I refuse to fail at this if for no other reason than to avoid that conversation with my wife/doctor.

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Good Luck! Being fit is never easy but well worth it! :popcorn:

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Good luck man. I know you have a lot of nutritional information, much that I've used for a positive influence on myself (sipping on some Nectar right now).

I wasn't a big fan of your low carb plan, but I like that you are only using it for a preliminary jump. I know that introducing good carbs into my diet has boosted my energy and increased my weight loss.

Remember its a long term journey. Keep it up and keep your body nourished. Lots of water, good vitamins, etc. will keep your joints and body happy.

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good luck man!

Once i get settled into the rent house more im going to have to go get me a new pair of asics and start running.

I need to get my fat ass back into some type of shape lol

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Good luck man. I know you have a lot of nutritional information, much that I've used for a positive influence on myself (sipping on some Nectar right now).

I wasn't a big fan of your low carb plan, but I like that you are only using it for a preliminary jump. I know that introducing good carbs into my diet has boosted my energy and increased my weight loss.

Remember its a long term journey. Keep it up and keep your body nourished. Lots of water, good vitamins, etc. will keep your joints and body happy.


You got it. No carb long term is not an ideal situation. Especially for active people. I hope to be an active people.

The carb starvation is only to make use of the protein to glucose conversion that will influence my body to use fat as energy to make that process happen. This will cause a huge fast drop in weight, and will spare as much muscle as possible as opposed to starvation.

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good luck man!

Once i get settled into the rent house more im going to have to go get me a new pair of asics and start running.

I need to get my fat ass back into some type of shape lol

I used to run so much I would kill 2 pair of kayonos every 6 months. I then switched to 1 pair kayonos and one pair of nimbus or what ever else I could find on sale. Even with my super wide feet kayonos were the best for me.

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Good luck Matt! I look foward to reading your progress.

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Woot. Time to start knocking yourself back into you. Support team is here. Now get going!! :)

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Last night I started feeling the exhaustion that lasts for about 5-7 days when your body switches to running on it's stored energy durring this kind of diet. I haven't grabbed any Udo's oil so I had some olive oil and grape seed oil with the protein shake and then a beef stick this morning.

I need to grab a stimulant product to help me out I think. I'll let you know what I decide. Ephedra is the go to, but since it's not legal I wont be using it. I'll let you know what I pick and how it works. Redline is a great choice is you want an uber buzz for sure, but I don't know if I want anything that harsh.

This morning I woke up and for the sake of doing it I ran with the dog aroudn the yard to get the blood pumping and had a beef stick to get the engine going this morning. going to costco or the butcher for some lean beef to make jerky.

Tonight I'll be mowing the lawn, with my push mower it can easily take 6 hours if I weed whip too and it's hot.

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Good luck! 3-5 7 minute miles is pretty incredible for somebody that weighs 265, you must have some good lungs and heart. So at least you have that strong foundation. Now just watch the pants start to fit looser :).

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I'm already loosing two pie argh right now. I noticed getting into the truck this morning and the stearing wheel is a bit further away... and no I didn't move it back, it's as far back as it can be.


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Good luck man.

With any luck this will be an inspiration for me to finally get off my duff and actually start exercising for first time since high school.

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Sounds like your on the right track! Keep up the good work.

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Picked up a big o' bottle of Udo's. The quart baby!

Also got a tub of nectar and vitamins. Animal pak was damaged at the store so it were cheeeep!

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Good Luck dude. im 6'2" 305 and currently on a diet like yours, even with the animal cuts and stak. I bought some nike shoes with the nike+ chip thing in them that tracks all your progress on your ipod. it lets you set some calorie and distance goals also.

Ill keep checking in on this for inspiration. looks like you went into this with a solid plan! I wish you well.

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Picked up a big o' bottle of Udo's. The quart baby!

Also got a tub of nectar and vitamins. Animal pak was damaged at the store so it were cheeeep!

Where did you go shop?

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nutrition city. I worked there for a whiles.

online is massively cheeper. I just didn't think ahead and needed to grab something ASAP so I could have a bit more time to order more online and let it ship. I don't drink nectar much, but it might be a nice break from the normal whey I drink and make me feel like having some sweet fruit juice. I got fuzzy navel.

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Good Luck dude. im 6'2" 305 and currently on a diet like yours, even with the animal cuts and stak. I bought some nike shoes with the nike+ chip thing in them that tracks all your progress on your ipod. it lets you set some calorie and distance goals also.

Ill keep checking in on this for inspiration. looks like you went into this with a solid plan! I wish you well.

Thanks! I do like the animal line. I found a possible real e-fed product at that shop. It really can't be but I'll check it out. It has caffeine hot peppers and other crap. It will at least help me keep my energy up.

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Matt, I use to buy my suppliments from these two places online. They were always the cheapest and shipping was next to nothing.


Home at DPS Nutrition - The Nation's leader in Discount Nutrition

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Thanks!! I forgot about those places! I got into a BB.com cycle as it was fast and easy. I don't like shopping with them anymore though because their tools are less helpfull now and push you in certain trends.

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today is the first day I'm not craving carbs badly. Also when I had my omelette I felt energy after eating it. This is a good sign. It means my body isn't searching for carbs blindly even with other food sources. I am not sure how much weight I have lost in a week but It's some. I home to crack out the myo tape tonight and start getting some measurements. Then it's goal setting time.

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Dem beats, have you taken the animal pak? I got a can with my last order and can't take it. I have a weak stomach and those pills stink real bad. I gag before I can swollow them. Pm me your address ill send em if you want. I won't use em. Just an offer.

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The animal pak smells like vomit. You're stomach isn't weak, these pills are ruthless. They hurt when I take them, but they help me with my current digestion issues etc. And they have what a body needs.



Try these..

They come in 2 sizes so if big rough pills are hard on you they have a smaller smooth coated version. They are my normal vitamins. I only started with the animal pak because my diet is so wonky right now I wanted to make sure I was getting an extra boost. I like the source of life pills better.

I'll PM you my addy, and pay your good deed forward.

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grabbed some measurements the other night.

I'm going to take a moment and talk about something that kind of got me into this huge weight gain and has been a stumbling block for a few years now and it's related to my waist measurement.

Waist. I was getting close to 70 I'll bet. That's the widest part of my middle withoutsucking in or standing up super ultra straight. I also have some stomach issue that is causing me to randomly bloat 6-7 inches larger around. Since my new diet, it's gone down substantially. I think it's more due to me getting in more fats and the animal pak. It has a digestive enzime combo(that's what smells like vomit/bile BTW along with the B vitamins). When I re-introduce carbs in a while I will include a new probiotic regement too. I'm not sure what caused this stomach problem but I know I made it worse as I went to the doctor for what I thought was a bladder infection and got some antibiotics and an STD test. Wasn't either. The antibiotics however killed everything in my stomach and gave me chills and fever. What ever was in me went wild after that! 8 specialists and a whole lot of huge bills they don't know what was wrong, but since then I've had random problems with bloating huge. I could get an extra 6-7 inches in less than 2 hours if the stars aligned properly. This has been the #1 problem with me loosing weight because sometimes the gas/bloat was painfull enough where I couldn't do much more than curl up. Though I'm depressed at my current size knowing I have probable lost 5 -6 inches in my middle in ~2 weeks is really really awesome. It's also probably will power and placebo but the intensity of the boating is so much less. And since I'm actually smaller the pants put less pressure on that area.

Basically I'm amped about this even though it reminds me that this will be like climbing a never ending mountain.

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