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Oh YEAH, got my hands on the new Crown Finally!!!!

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I finally found the new Crown Royal BLACK!!!!!!! It has about the same taste as normal crown but it seems like there is a bit of a vanilla taste and its stronger! (Its now 90 proof)


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:werd_msword: And its smoother, makes you not want to drink the regular Crown anymore (same with Hennessey Black).

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So you gonna drive to Ogden and let me try?

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So you gonna drive to Ogden and let me try?

You're not of legal age ;)

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Hmm sounds interesting, I'd almost like to go out and get some but the last time a new liquor came out I bought a bottle to try and it is still in my freezer 5 years later. Captain Morgan Tattoo, absolutely disgusting, I can't even remember what it tastes like. I think it was like peppery cough syrup. Honestly I think I spilt more on the floor then I drank.

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So you gonna drive to Ogden and let me try?

You're not of legal age ;)

To BUY it no, but to consume it won;t be a problem, I'm just as able as anyone :)

I don't condone underage drinking, but if you drink like me, not drinking to drain my sorrows away, not drinking just to get drunk that's a different story. I drink for pleasure :)

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When I saw the title, I was like oh sweet, JBL made another cool giant amp.

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ive been seeing alot of billboards around San antonio about it.

But never tried crown before. :ehh:

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Looks awesome going to have to try that. Seems like it might be good with some Vanilla or Cherry Coke... mmmmmm :)

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Stopped by Specs yesterday for a six pack of Red Stripe and a bottle of Crown Black now all I need is some mixers

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the black is tight but cask 16 is still where its at when it comes to crown. but for the price the black is really nice

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ZOMG this shit is strong but tastes excellent. Pretty good with the cherry RC


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I love Crown Special Reserve. What is this, exactly? Is it a flavored whiskey, or is it just a more full bodied, richer whiskey?

I am not supposed to drink yet, but I still have a beer or 2 every once in a while... no reason I can't have a nice snifter of Crown with ice.

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ZOMG this shit is strong but tastes excellent. Pretty good with the cherry RC


Its only 5% stronger :D

That 5% makes a big difference lol

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ZOMG this shit is strong but tastes excellent. Pretty good with the cherry RC


WTF?????????? Cherry RC???

Shit man.............just.........shit


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I will have to try the Black, really enjoy Cask No.16 and on occasion have purchased XR, now that really makes you not want to drink regular Crown again, you would also be extremely broke if you kept drinking it!

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