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Aaron Clinton

SSA's Daily fitness iHop

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First work out:

side fly / forearm curl - 4 supersets

reverse tri pull - 4

preacher singles - 4

bent single row - 4

machine chest fly - 4

crunches - 150

second work out:

elliptical - 30min - 85%

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Forgot to post a few days on here.


BP 5x8

Seated Rows 5x5

Incline BP 5x5

Bent over Rows 3x10

Sit ups to failure


Squats 4x8

Military Press 5x5

RDLs with dumbells 3x15

Leg curls 3x15

Situps 3 to failure.

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forward raises - 4

seated rows - 4

treadmill - 20mins @ 50%

machine press - 4


side flies - 4

forward hammers - 4

dead lifts - 4

over head extension - 4

incline flies - 4


dead lift - 4

bench - 4

shrugs - 4

treadmill - 12min @ 80%


treadmill - 20 mins @ 75%

seated curls - 4

tri pull downs - 4

medball crunch twists - 50

bent bar curls - 4

reverse pull downs - 4


decline bench - 4

forward shoulder raise - 4

flies - 4

treadmill 10 mins @ 80%

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seated curls - 4

tri pull down - 4

treadmill 10 mins - 70%

preacher - 4

12/19: (day)

side flies - 4

incline bench - 4

single cable row - 4

treadmill - 10 - 80%


chest fly - 4

lat pull - 4

straight bar raise - 4

treadmill - 10 - 85%


hammers - 4

seated over head tri - 4

preacher singles - 4

crunches - 50

reverse tris - 4

treadmill - 10 - 85%


bench - 4

iso lat pull - 4

treadmill - 10 - 85%


bent bar curl / side fly super set burns - 4

treadmill - 15 - 85%

over head tri's - 4


dumb bell flies - 4

dead lift - 4

decline press - 4

treadmill 15min - 80%


tread mill - 40 mins - 80%

tri pull - 4

bi curl - 4

crunches - 50

standing lat - 4

12/ 27:

Arnolds - 4

incline row - 4

treadmill - 15m - 50%

straight bar raise - 4


dumb bell curls - 4

over head extensions - 4

preacher singles - 4

treadmill - 10 - 50%


treadmill - 40 m - 50%

curls - 2

tri pulls - 2


bench - 4

shurgs - 4

treadmill - 15m - 80%

cable flies - 4

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db curl - 4

reverse tri pull - 4

bent bar curl - 4

over head tri press - 4

elliptical - 10 -25%


chest flies - 4

cable rows - 4

decline press - 4

db row - 4

crunches - 100


side flies - 4

hammers - 4

military - 4

crunches - 100

preacher - 4


db press - 6 max blow out

treadmill - 15 - 40%


seated curls - 4

tri pull down - 4

tread mill - 15 - 50%

bent car curls - 4

over head press - 4

preacher - 2


lat pull down wide - 4

forward flies - 4

row - 4

military press - 4

treadmill - 10 - 50%

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db flies - 4

decline press - 4

treadmill - 15m - 50%

chest press - 3


reverse curls - 4

tri pulls - 4

preacher singles - 4

over head tri - 4


db flies / standing rows - 4 supers

decline bench - 4

elliptical - 15m 60%

incline flies - 4


over head tri - 4

cable bi's - 4

treadmill - 15m - 40%


seated one hand row / side flies - 4 supers

standing arnolds - 4

standing row - 4

treadmill - 60% - 12m


cable fly - 4

preacher - 4

bar curl - 4

Elliptical - 10 - 50%


dumb bell flies - 4

decline press - 4

crunches - 100

dumb bell press - 4


lat pulls - 4

straight raise - 4

incline cable row - 4

shrugs - 4

Elliptical - 10m 50%


treadmill 10m - 50%

cable curls - 4

reverse tri pull s- 4

preachers - 4

crunches -100


bench - 4

cable fly -4

crunches - 100

elliptical - 15m - 50%


elliptical - 20m - 50%

incline curls - 4

tri pulls - 4


hammer / over head tri -5 supers

elliptical - 15m - 50%

bent bar / dumb bell tri extensions - 5 supers


seated row / arnolds - 5 supers

tread mill - 15m - 60%

kneeling lat pull / straight bar raise - 5 supers


incline press - 4

machine fly - 4

treadmill - 15 - 60%

crunches - 100

dead lift - 4


treadmill - 20 - 50%

seated db curl - 4

single tri pull down - 4

cable curl - 4


side flies / straight bar raise - 5 supers

elliptical - 15m - 50%

shurgs - 4

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I made up my mind this morning to get back in shape. I'm looking to burn lots of fat and increase endurance/stamina, while building muscle of course. I'm going to be working on putting together a healthy diet and work out plan. I have access to 2 free gyms and my buddy right down the road has a lot of equipment so I really have no excuse to not do it and stick with it. I'm about 5'8"-5'9" and weigh 200 lbs, most of which is flab as I have not been in the gym on a regular basis in years. Does anyone have any suggestions on supplements that would be worthwhile for me? I am mainly looking for advice on what/how to stack safely for best results. I have a pretty good grasp on nutrition and lifting but please feel free to offer advice/suggestions about anything that would be of benefit to me and my mission.

Thanks in advance, I appreciate any and all feedback.

I did ride the bike a solid 20 minutes today. Resistance was set at 5/12 for the first 16 minutes and 8/12 for the last 4 minutes, staying in the 80-95 rpm range the entire time.

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I made up my mind this morning to get back in shape. I'm looking to burn lots of fat and increase endurance/stamina, while building muscle of course. I'm going to be working on putting together a healthy diet and work out plan. I have access to 2 free gyms and my buddy right down the road has a lot of equipment so I really have no excuse to not do it and stick with it. I'm about 5'8"-5'9" and weigh 200 lbs, most of which is flab as I have not been in the gym on a regular basis in years. Does anyone have any suggestions on supplements that would be worthwhile for me? I am mainly looking for advice on what/how to stack safely for best results. I have a pretty good grasp on nutrition and lifting but please feel free to offer advice/suggestions about anything that would be of benefit to me and my mission.

Thanks in advance, I appreciate any and all feedback.

I did ride the bike a solid 20 minutes today. Resistance was set at 5/12 for the first 16 minutes and 8/12 for the last 4 minutes, staying in the 80-95 rpm range the entire time.

I would say at this point, maybe just some protein shakes at first. Focus on diet and getting back into a rhythm first, then once you are comfortable, look into other things to add into the routine.

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db curls / over head tri - 5 supers

elliptical - 15m - 75%

cable curls / over head press - 5 supers.

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1.5 miles after not exercising in some time.. 11 min

28 degrees at 5 am never felt so good.

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standing shoulder press / shrug - 5 supers

treadmill - 15m 90%

seated cable row - 4


decline press - 5

incline cable fly - 5

elliptical - 15m - 75%

dips - 3

crunches - 100


bent bar curl/over head tri - 5 supers

elliptical - 15m 70%

cable single curls/rpoe tri - 5 supers

crunches - 100


upright row / db flies - 5 supers

reverse fly - 5

decline press - 5

trealmill - 15m 50%

crunches - 75


bench/ standing row 5 supers

elliptical 15m 50%

decline cable fly / wide lat pull - 5 supers


hammers / single overhead tri - 5 supers

treadmill - 15m 50%

straight bar / overhead bar - 5 supers


incline press - 5

decine cable/ wide lat pull - 5 supers

standing row - 5

treadmill - 15m 50%


db curls / db rows - 5 supers

treadmill - 15m 50%

lat pull - 4


db ball fly/ forward db raise - 5 supers

treadmill - 15m 70%

decline press - 5

side files - 5

crunches - 100


bent bar curl/overhead tri - 5 supers

elliptical - 15m 75%

cable curls / tri pull 5 supers


single db row - 5

over head lat - 5

elliptical - 15m 70%

dead lift - 5


decline press - 5

incline cables - 5

elliptical - 10m 70%

seated flies - 4


seated curls - 5

tri pulls - 5

elliptical - 15m 50%

preachers - 5

over head tri - 5


elliptical 25m 50%

db press - 5

decline press - 5


treadmill - 25m 50%

lat pull down - 5

machine row - 5

crunches - 100


elliptical - 25m 50%

side flies - 5

crunches - 100

shurgs - 5

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elliptical - 25m 60%

cable curl/tri extensions - 5 supers

hammers - 5

over heat tri - 3


precore-25m 60%

shrugs - 5

decline flies - 5


treadmill - 25m -65%

db press - 5

crunches - 100

decline press - 5


yoga - 50mins


bent bar curls - 5

over head tri - 5

seat row - 5

shrugs - 5

cable press - 5

elliptical - 10 - 60%


db curls - 5

reverse tri pull - 5

decline row - 5

side flies - 5

decline press - 5

elliptical - 10 - 50%


cable curl / tri pull - 5 super-sets

lat pull / straight raise - 5 supers

elliptical - 20m 50%

machine fly - 4


bent bar curl / over head press - 5 supers

cable lat pull / decline cable press - 5 supers

elliptical - 15 - 85%

shrugs - 4


reverse curls / over head db press - 5 supers

bench / dead lift - 5 supers

elliptical - 15m 60%

cable shoulder flies - 5


seated curls / military - 5 supers

lat puylls / tri pulls - 5 supers

elliptical - 15m - 70%

decline press - 5


preacher / single tri extension - 5 super

standing row / side flies - 5 supers

elliptical - 10m - 50%


db curls / over head tri - 5 super

cable curl / tri pull - 5 super

elliptical - 15m -70%


shrugs / standing row - 5 supers

straight bar raise / dead lift - 5 supers

elliptical - 10m - 60%

crunches - 100


decline bench - 5

incline flies - 5

elliptical - 15m - 50%


hammer / tri pull down - 5 supers

elliptical - 15m 60%

side flies / over head lats - 5 supers


standing curls / over head bent bar - 5 supers

elliptical - 10m 50%

preacher / rear tri extensions - 5 supers


straight bar raise / dead lift - 5 supers

elliptical - 15m - 50%

lat row / shrug - 5 supers


side flies / over head tri - 5 supers

cable curl / cable row - 5 supers


reverse tri pull / preacher - 5 supers

elliptical - 15m - 50%

cable curl / tri pull - 5 supers


standing arnolds / lat pull down - 5 supers

elliptical - 15m - 60%

side flies / standing row - 5 supers


chest press - 5

elliptical - 15m - 50%

decline press - 5

crunches - 100


db curls / tri pulls - 5 supers

treadmill - 20m - 60%

rop curls / over head tri - 5 supers

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squats - 120

dips - 36

rows - 36

chin-ups - 30

push-ups - 60

back lever, front lever (6sec each) - 6

Meal: 100g whey isolate, cup of berries, cup of cottage cheese, cup of butter-nut squash, one potato, smoked salmon, and steak.

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25lbs x 4 chins

20lbs x 4 chins

15lbs x 5 chins

10lbs x 6 chins

body weight 7 chins (l-sit progressions)

10 dips

7 dips

5 dips

20 squats

15 squats

10 squats

20 pushups

15 pushups

10 pushups

10 rows

8 rows

6 rows

10 seconds back lever

10 seconds front lever

5 seconds back lever

5 seconds front lever

7+ dips

10 chins (l-sit progressions)

7 chins (l-sit progressions)

5 seconds back lever

5 seconds front lever

10 pushups

5 dips

5 chins (l-sit progressions)

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I picked the world up and dropped in on your effing head.

295 x 8 bench

225 x6 incline

270 x 10 dip machine

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Week 1:


Military press:

Training max:190

75%x5: 145

80%x5: 150

85%x5: 160



Training max:445

75%x5 335

80%x5 355

85%x5 380


Bench Press

Training max:280

75%x5 210

80%x5 225

85%x5 240



Training max:325

75%x5 245

80%x5 260

85%x5 275

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deadlift with 255 x 4

various machines I'm not used to that didn't have enough weight.

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side flies/standing bent row - 5 supers

elliptical - 15m

straing bar raise/lat row - 5 supers

crunches - 100


db press- 5

elliptical - 15m

decline press - 5


bent bar curl / over head tri - 5 supers

elliptical - 15m

preacher - 5


standing row - 5

elliptical - 15m

deadlift - 5


reverse curl / reverse tri pull - 5 supers

elliptical - 15m

cable curl / over head tri press - 5 supers


lat pull down / side fly - 5 supers

treadmill - 15m

standing row / straight bar raise - 5 supers


machine press - 5

elliptical - 15m

db flies - 6

cable decline - 5


bent bar curl / over head tri - 5 supers

elliptical - 15m

hammers / rear extensions - 5 supers


dead lift / side flies - 5 supers

treadmill - 20m

cable flies - 5


reverse curl / reverse tri ext - 5 supers

elliptical - 15m

seated db curl / reverse tri pull - 5 supers


cable curl - 3

reverse tri - 3

standing rows - 3


Indian sprints



bent rows/side flies - 5 supers

elliptical - 15m

cable row / straight bar raise - 5 supers


db flies / lunges - 5 supers

treadmill - 15m

cable inclinde press / calf raise - 5 supers


hammer curls / revers over head tri - 5 supers

elliptical - 15m

bent bar preacher - 5


bench - 5

shurgs - 5

elliptical - 15,


pull up / tri pull - 5 supers

tread mill - 15m

db curl / overhead ext - 5 supers


standing row / standing Arnolds - 5 supers

elliptical - 20m

overhead lat pull / side flies - 5 supers


db flies / lunges - 5 supers

elliptical - 15m

decline press - 4

5/3: cable bi curl / over head tri - 5 supers

treadmill - 15m

lat pull - 4

forward raise - 5


bench - 4

bent bar curls - 4

elliptical - 15m

crunches - 100


incline curls - 5

dips - 5

elliptical - 15m

crunches - 100


side flies - 5

seated arnolds - 5

treadmill - 20m

lat pull - 5


bench - 5

cable flies - 5

elliptical - 20m

crunches - 100


seated curls / reverse over head tri's - 5 supers

treadmill - 20m

shurgs - 4

lat pull / dead lift - 5 supers

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db flies / straight bar forward raise - 5 supers

elliptical - 20m

hanging leg lifts / tri pulls - 5 supers


hammers / tri pulls - 5 supers

treadmill - 20m

lat pull / side flies - 5 supers


chest flies / lunges - 5 supers

treadmill - 20m

dead lift / straight bar raises - 5 supers


db press / lunges - 5 supers

treadmill - 15m

bb curl / over head tri - 4 supers


preacher curls / reverse tri lifts - 5 supers

crunches - 100

bike 20m


side flies / dead lift - 5 supers

elliptical - 15m

bench - 4


cable curls / reverse tri's - 5 supers

stair master - 15m

preacher / db tri ext. - 5 supers


side flies / standing row - 5 supers

elliptical - 15m

pull ups - 5

shrugs - 5


db fly / squats - 5 supers

stair master - 15m

dips - 5

leg press - 5

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seated curls / over head tri - 5 supers

treadmill - 20m

hanging leg lifts / kettle ball side flies - 5 supers

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hollow hold 30seconds & superman hold 30seconds

plank 60seconds & reverse plank 60seconds

frog stand 2 x 15seconds


45lbs x 4

27.5lbs x 5

15lbs x 6

bw knee 8


15, 10, 10


40+bar x 5 x 5


6 BW

20lbs x 5

10lbs x 7

7.5lbs x 8

bw 8


50+bar x 5 x 5

front lever tuck 5 seconds

back lever tuck 5 seconds

front lever tuck 5 seconds

back lever tuck 5 seconds





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db bench press/heavy - 5

treadmill - 20m

lat pull - 5

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69 WPM

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bent bar curls / tri pull down - 5 supers

treadmill - 15mins

preacher singles / overhead tri - 5 supers

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5/29 Chest/Tri's

Incline - powertec 300lbs 3 set's of 10, 2 sets 100 lbs dumbbell 10 reps

Flat- db bench 3 sets 125 lbs 10 reps

Dips-10 reps each 1 bw, 2 bw+55 lbs, 3 bw+90lbs x 2

Tri press downs- 3 sets of 12 135 lbs

Dumbbell overhead - 3 sets of 12 125lbs

Incline skullcrusher - 4sets of 10 45lb plates

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