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Aaron Clinton

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2 hours ago, frogcase2002 said:

Of course I would like to look good to but health is my main concern

Eat 6 meals a day, basically every 3 hours with a focus on protien from animals and piles and piles of vegetables.  

2:1 ratio of veg to meat by weight is usually a good start.  If you eat a lot of leafy greens this might change.  Get loads of healthy fats from things like avocados.  Don't buy into any kind of processed foods.


Also cut out sugar and starch unless it's from a low calorie fruit or vegetable until you find yourself loosing too much weight.  Then you can add it back in.


Aim for roughly .33 grams of protein per pound if you don't exercise much.  If you get a few hours a week of good exercise, get .5 grams per pound, and if you are working out daily shoot for .75-1 gram per pound.  That's not for performance, only health mind you.


I don't think that's what you wanted to hear but it's absolutely the way to go.  If your still struggling 3 months from now we need blood work and even then you would want to see a doctor.  That would be like giving your car a tune up every day and putting only the best fuel in.  If you still don't like the resuts... Then we gotta start doing some bolt on mods.  ;-)

Edited by dem beats

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This morning's visit to the gym.  Still need to do some core work at home at some point today.


Warmup: 15 minutes on treadclimber moderate-high intensity for the first 12 minutes followed by 3 minutes low intensity

After warmup shoulder stretches/theraband stability work for 5 minutes (approx)

Excercise 1
Standing barbell overhead press
6 × 12,10,8,7,6,15

Excercise 2
Superset 1

Cable rope face pulls
4 x 12 pause reps

Plate trap shrug
4 x 10 pause rep/slow negative

Excercise 3
Superset 2

Cable side lateral
4 x 12

Bent over dumbell rear lateral
4 x 10

Excercise 4
Superset 3

Incline bench rear delt overhead raises
3 x 10

Incline bench dumbell trap press outs
3 x 10

Excercise 5
Lateral delt machine
3 x 15

Excercise 6
Machine Rear delt fly
3 x 15

Excercise 7
Hammer strength shoulder press
3 x 5 single/5 single/5 single/5 single/5 double (static hold on opposite arm during singles)

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 I have not been tracking my exercise as much lately as the FitBit is keeping track.  Did over 40k steps this weekend including soccer last night.

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I go into my workouts with a general plan based on what muscle group I'm going to train.  But once i start the workout, exactly which excercises i choose as well as total sets, heavy or light etc... is all based on how i feel.

I have a basic weekly outline that i follow that is a 6 day/week routine with sunday being my rest day (however i will still do some cardio/ab training on a sunday occasionally)

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I have backed way down on the weights as of late, but cardio is way way up.

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As you get older, it gets harder to continue with lifting heavy.  The wear and tear on the joints just isn't good.  Backing off of the heavy weight, and focusing on form and longevity from a health standpoint becomes the more needed focus.

Maintaining a healthy cardio regimen is a must at any age.  Focusing on using lower impact excercises is much better long term as well.  In this swimming and cycling have huge health benefits without the joint damage assoicating with avtivities like running.

I have switched a lot of my focus as well, not aiming for max lifts, or worrying so much about the number on the weight.

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Today was back day. Did more of a classic style back workout.

13 min warmup on the treadclimber.  Followed by theraband scapular engagement/stability work.

Back workout:

Seated parallel grip cable row

6 x 15 reps

Cable rope lat pullover

6 x 15 reps

Hammer strength front pull down

6 x 15 reps

Hammer strength row

6 x 15 reps

Standing cable rear delt fly

4 x 15 reps

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Saturday was a 5 mile hike, Sunday was shoulders/back/bis.

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Saturday did some pilates ball hip thrusters and cable face pulls.  Was at my parents so didn't get much time around visiting.

Sunday was climbing trees with the kiddos at my in-laws.

Back at a good chest workout today.

Incline bench barbell

15,15,10,9,8 with a drop then 6 more, 4 

Flat bench dumbell

12, 10,10,10

Cable incline flys

4 x 12

Decline barbell

15, 10, 10, 10, 15

Pec deck flys

15, 12, 8, 8

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Yesterday was soccer practice, loads of sprints.

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Nice.  Sprints are super awesome.  And hard. And exhausting.  But the benefit from doing them is huge.

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On 4/24/2019 at 4:17 PM, nigel said:

Nice.  Sprints are super awesome.  And hard. And exhausting.  But the benefit from doing them is huge.

Yeah, it is interesting the mass I am dropping quickly due to how much cardio I am doing now.

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Picked up my Christmas present today.  Or most of it rather.


Grabbed a power rack/cage.  Has a multi grip pull/chin up bar, 4 j hooks (1000 lb rated hooks) and box safeties (1500 lb rated)


As well a 700 lb rated Olympic bar with some rubber coated plates.


Have on order to come later this week or next week is more rubber coated weight plates (guys stock was very depleted), and a high/low pulley attachment to install onto the back of the cage.

Finally getting the garage gym where I want it to be.

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This morning's leg press session:

305x15, 485x15, 575x15, 665x15, 735x12, 805x10

Felt really good.  Hitting that last set of 10 left me feeling completely exhausted, and wobbly for sure.

Had to take a full 5 minute rest before moving on to the rest of the workout.

Absolutely love leg press days.

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On 1/4/2020 at 1:31 PM, nigel said:

This morning's leg press session:

305x15, 485x15, 575x15, 665x15, 735x12, 805x10

Felt really good.  Hitting that last set of 10 left me feeling completely exhausted, and wobbly for sure.

Had to take a full 5 minute rest before moving on to the rest of the workout.

Absolutely love leg press days.

Nice work!

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23 hours ago, Aaron Clinton said:

Nice work!

Thanks Aaron, been trying to get stronger.  Consistency is key.  Had some crappy sleeps last couple nights, and it's shown in the workouts.

Was struggling to make it past 4 reps at 325 on squats this morning.  Had to scale it back a touch.  Which is not what I wanted, but, was necessary.

Yesterday's pull routine was absolutely taxing on the body. And left me so drained. It felt amazing.

I've started skipping again too.  Downloaded a simple interval timer on my phone to use to set up work and rest intervals.  So now I alternate between that and using the elliptical.  Hoping I can get the discipline to start jogging in the spring again.

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Lately for me it has been all bike work.

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Love the bike. But at the -20 celcius we've had, and the snow/ice biking is out. And I don't have an exercise bike to use.  Gotta use what I have available.  Once camping hits this summer I'll spend a lot of time on my bike.

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On 1/24/2020 at 9:05 PM, nigel said:

Love the bike. But at the -20 celcius we've had, and the snow/ice biking is out. And I don't have an exercise bike to use.  Gotta use what I have available.  Once camping hits this summer I'll spend a lot of time on my bike.

This has been indoor bike.  I could tell the difference in my soccer game last night.

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10 hours ago, Aaron Clinton said:

This has been indoor bike.  I could tell the difference in my soccer game last night.

Ah.  Good to hear it's making a difference.  Keep it up

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On 1/27/2020 at 11:33 PM, nigel said:

Ah.  Good to hear it's making a difference.  Keep it up

Well work has been beyond nuts lately, so lifting and riding have taken a back seat sadly.

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It's hard. I find when life gets busy, I drop the cardio.  But I still am playing volleyball regularly, so that helps.

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Been on a heck of a streak here.  With all soccer cancelled, and not really going out at all, I have been killing it in the home gym.  Heavy weights and Peloton.  7 of 8 day streak, hoping to make it 8 of 9 tonight.

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Don't forget to give time for your muscles to repair.  Don't over do it and compromise your health.  

Although, awesome job and stick with the grind.  Hard work pays off.

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On 8 of 10 days. 

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