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15" RL-p @ 850w in...?

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I have a 15" RL-p d4 paralell @ 2ohms on a Viper d1200.1.

I have a horrible box(24x18.75x13) ported with a 2"diameter 7" deep aeroport) and I have no idea what it's tuned to.

Basically, I'm wondering if I should just completely ditch this box, try to port it, seal it up and use it as sealed, or build an entire new box(I don't REALLY want to, but I probably will.)

How would this box sound if I ported it? I saw that I can get some 4" flared aeroports for pretty cheap. Your thoughts?

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well, depending upon wood thickness ( i used 3/4) that box is about 2.36ft^3 after port and sub displacment tuned in the low 20's.....

size and tuning wise, that's not bad for a 15" rl-p...but the port is entirely way too small....u will get chit tons of noise outa that...

my suggestion is to seal it up, and slug it until u get to about 2ft^3 net. use that until u can build a good ported box....about 2.75-3ft^3 tuned to 30hz, 30-35in^2 of port...

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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Kent's got the idea. 2.1 cu ft net volume sealed (2.31 cu ft gross internal volume) is my preferred sealed box rec on an RL-p15 for a beautifully even frequency response. Indeed, ported RL-p15's should have at least 35 square inches of port area per driver, and for in-car use I would tune between 28-34 Hz. Lower tuning in-car is unecessary in my opinion since cabin gain will boost the low-end naturally and the lower tuning will ultimately take away from the output over the higher sub-bass frequencies that are more commonly exhibited in music samples.

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This is going to be embarrassing.

I don't mind learning, but can someone explain to me how to calculate the tuning of a port?

If you don't mind learning, then you have nothing to be embarrassed about! :fing34:

To begin, this link from the good (and money hungry :lol2:) folks over at JL Audio will exaplin all you need to know about the ported enclosure alignment

Another great link:

Once you understand the basics, I would advocate using an online calculator to simplify the process:


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Sweet! I'm gonna read through those more thouroughly when I get home and hopefully I'll make some plans for a box; then I'll bring it back to you guys for a thumbs up.

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awesome!! sounds like a plan man..we'll be awaiting!!

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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2.1 cu ft net volume sealed (2.31 cu ft gross internal volume) is my preferred sealed box rec on an RL-p15 for a beautifully even frequency response.

I agree with that! :D

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good luck with the new box, the RL-p should sing in a new enclosure

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