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How good is A Inverted Wedge Subwoofer Box??

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Hey. Its me again, I FINALLY bought the 2 12" JL W3v1 Model Subs! There 300wrms Apiece and I have a 2004 Chevy Aveo Sedan Like This...


And Im thinking about having my friends friend build me a Inverted Wedge Box. What would be louder in that car with those subs? A Inverted Wedge Box?? Or A Ported Box??

Heres info on the Inverted Wedge


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That's just a freakin sealed box firing downward. Go ported if you have the room and fire it back sub and port, then flip it around and see which you think is louder, if you don't have a SPL meter. If you don't have the room, just make a sealed box with the subs firing back and you can still have options of seeing which orientation is best to your taste.

One thing that stands out is that they say its for both SQ and SPL. Thats retarded.

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