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Electrical requirements for 2 saz 1500's

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Jacob I need you to review this electrical for use with 2 saz 1500's strapped at 1 ohm.

180 alt

2 batcap 2000.

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if you are asking you shouldn't be doing it! lol

so lets do some quick math now!

i assume 12volt

i assume you want 3k at 1ohm (1.5k at 0.5 per amp)

so 3k at 1amp = 250amps of potential current draw!

seeing as your alt is 180amps and those batcap have a SMALL reserve ( i know i used to use 2-2000's before like yourself) I would NOT recommend you do that!

also keep in mind by doing THIS setup you will VOID warranty

BUT i must ask is this a daily or BURP only vehicle setup?

if you say this is a burp only setup then i say go for it! just use your nose to smell for weird smells and keep an eye on the voltage!!!

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The strapped amps will be for comp only. I've inquired around for almost a year about getting a ho alt for my Honda Fit and the only one available is 180 amp FTL.

Ken do you think I could hold voltage for 30sec runs of music?

I have 3 optima's too. In the drive by class I'm not limited to 2 batteries like the SPL burp class.

Thanks for the reply

Edited by Soapbox

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30sec run on music at 1ohm 3k.... with 2-batcap 2000's

the safe way to see if you will be okay is to do a 15second burst of music (with help from the pause button) and monitor your voltage all the while making sure to keep above...12.4 but at 0.5 ohm maybe try to stay higher? (lets someone else chime in on the voltage number as 0.5ohm i am not 100% sure) if you can hold a said voltage then try for 20 then 25 then 30 all the while letting the batcap fully recharge

by doing this it is a safer way kind a like a build up to see if the your electrical can keep up or not

but off the top of my head i think it will be close my h/o is a 220 and i could do it at 2k 1ohm for a good 45-1min balls out keeping about 13~ something with my batcap but my alt was a little more beefier also.

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It's not Jacobs job to review everyones electrical system.

Your better off posting in the "Amplifiers / Head Units / Processors / Electrical" section ;)

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