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It's a person that does some manipulation to music (screwed) and has it available for free download. I've never heard any of the downloads personally, but I hear they get retarded low :drink40: I just put all 15 available zips on my computer and hope to figure out how to move them over to a thumb drive in the next couple days :drink40: He has a thread on SMD that links you to be able and download all of his available zips.

He has a thread on CACO as well, VERY good songs.

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Thanks Duran! I was directed to SMD by a friend, so that's the only site I knew of for the zips.

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wondering how many zip files or songs one could anticipate loading onto a 2g ipod?

i have not a clue......

sorta in the woods still, lol


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Don't feel bad chop, I'm pretty clueless as well. I had the music that's on my ipod now done by my ex...FTL!

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PorkChop, you're fixing to have a PM. You want test tones, you'll have them when you check the link I send you.

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PorkChop, you're fixing to have a PM. You want test tones, you'll have them when you check the link I send you.

thank you for this ^ bro!

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no lap top.....


hey sean!

i need those tones bro, have not seen them pop up any where yet, i got the ipod hooked up.....

samantha...u gotta grab those zip files from decaf on smd site..... thanks!

Porkchop here are some GOOD format tonesRadiation cd on PWK

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For what it's worth- a zip file isn't any particular size. It's more of a container for individual files.

They work well in emails. Instead of attaching ten pics as seperate attachments you can drag and drop all ten pics in a zipped folder in windows and add it as an individual attachment.

If you find a zip folder for download- Save the zipped folder to your hard drive- when it's downloaded right click on the folder and unzip or extract the files. After the songs are extracted to your hard drive you can drag and drop them to your thumb drive or transfer to iPod through iTunes.

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thanks bro!

off of what i have found so far, by ear, i am around 55-58 hz. (peak frequency) , no db. # to go with that yet, just the ear......

going to make a last ditch effort to find a few songs that have mid 50hz. notes in them.....

then off to the show!


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