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I Need $250, Stuff For Sale (games and some audio)

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and i need it in 30days. Hint, never cut across a median on an interstate...the fine is not a slap on the wrist (but no it is not $250).

Here is a list of what i have for sale, i dont expect fantastic sales but anything will help.

Stations & Goodies

-Playstation: condition is great other than a few cosmedic scars, has been unpluged collecting dust since i got my PS2

-Mod Chip for the play station: allows you to play boot leged games and Japanies games along with acting like a gameshark. also already loaded wit ha bunch of codes

-N64: like new condition

-Game Boy Advanced Toys'r'us Edition: i played this thing maybe once, it may have one scratch on the screen, it was an Xmas gife the year they came out, the toy'sR'us edition is sapposed to be special or something

-Light for Game Boy advanced: because nintendo was never smart like sega...until the SP


For Playstation:

-Dragon Ball Final Bout (japanies, need a mod chip)

I havent played this one in forever, think dragonball (ya that show i used to think was uber cool but now seems sort of gay but the game is still fun) and hten add Mortal Combat and a hint of not understanding a dman thing in the game (all japanies) and you have this game. Doesnt take much skill to learn and have fun but it does take a lot to beat it in hard

-Dragon Ball Z (also japanies, need a mod chip)

Very similar to FInal bout only lacking a bit in graphics but there are more charicters and it follows a story line


wired game, sorta fun, really weird music

-3 extreme

X games basically, sort of...like racing meets BMX/skateboarding/roller blading

-Burstrick Wakeboarding

a far cry from shawn murry's game...but if you get the key code in yo ualways land the trick

Gameboy Advanced:

-Mario Kart Super circut

Fun game, a good game, easy to beat once yo uget the hang of it

-Xgames Skateboarding

fun but the graphics sorta suck, doesnt take much to get into it, i never beat it

-Midnight Club

its fun but far from the real (game console) version and that is all i am saying


-Super Smash Bro's

my god, i dont know if i can even sell this game, we still get some friends togather and bash it out. its going to sadden me to sell this game and the console

-Golden Eye 007

Another game that i dont know if i can live with out. its been beat and then halfway replayed, im deciding if i should delete my files or not if i can get myself to sell it

-Mario Party

Bored? Drunk? with friends? the game lasts for hours on end if everyone gets high lives... a great game and fun to play

Now, i also have 2 Audiobahn AW10's in a box built by me for sale locally (i live in north florida) however i cannot take them to you, you must pick them up. its working a bit like a bit, so far i have a $90 offer and they are going to go to whoever can give me the most for them. since auctions are illegal on here (i think) i will just set the price at $90 for you all.

Wakeboard Binginds, for up to a size 9.5 foot. Very comfertable and pretty supportive, but they are out dated, they where $180 new. Im asking $40. thye are Hyperlite Air Cushon i beleive. since i got my evo suctions i miss how well these kept my foot locked down....but the evo suctions offer more controll plus my foot is just barely too big for these.

i will have pics up ASAP.

here is the price list for items not already listed

-Playstation $25 OBO (i lost the controller but still have the power and video somewhere)

-N64 $25 if i can manage to sell it

-Gameboy Advanced $25 OBO

-Light for Gameboy Advanced $5

-Playstation Games $10

-N64 Games $10 if i can manage to sell them

-Japanies Games $20 (they are rare and i payed $60 for them back when new PS games cost $25-$30)

-Mod Chip $20 OBO

-Gameboy Advanced Games $8

Prices do not include shipping, CD's and cartrages will be shipped priority mail and consoles via UPS, the goodies (mod chip and light) will be shipped with whoever is cheaper. i will quite you when you express serious inquiry only.

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doh' im so lost, time to contact Denim

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move to requested section

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thanks, i had a realy bad night last night. i dont know what i was thinking.

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Can't guarentee anything but I may be interested in the AW10's and enclosure. All depends on how much I got left after paying my bills today.

Figured I'd edit instead of posting new..

well, I can't get them. After paying car insurance, rent, phone bill, cellhpne bill, and giving my girlfriend her allowance, as well as my god kids... I have $50 left until next payday. God I need another job.

sorry.. I have forgotten about the insurance and cellphone bills. If it wasn't for them I would have gotten the subs

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