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Should I rebuild?

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I have been wondering to myself if i should tearout my current system and start over with something else... I have my 2 Fi Bl 18's 2008models and have been thinking of going back to 12's.. I have 6 alpine type r 12 just sitting around doing nothing...I would like to buy 4 sundown sa-12's.. I'm not sure how they compare to the type r's, i have not used any sundown products before..

I have wanted to maybe due a blowthrough or a clamshell design, but I can't seem to find a canopy for my truck.. All suggestions welcome..Thanx guys


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Anyone have any ideas or suggestions on what i should do..

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what are you missing by having these 18's?

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Vehicle, existing equipment, budget and overall goals?

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what are you missing by having these 18's?

Its not really that i'm missing anything with them, but i just feel like the bug for running 18's has worn out. This is by far the loudest system that i have built, but i have always ran 12's.. I see in your sig that you are using sundown. How would they stack up to type r's? Where i live i have not seen anybody use sundown.

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Vehicle, existing equipment, budget and overall goals?

Its a 1992 mazda extended cab, I have the 2 18's, 2 rockford t1500bd, and 2 audioforce 1100 powercells. I have a small budget and as far as goals go, I have never really cared about the whole high numbers thing.. I just have never built any clamshells or blowthroughs before and would like to put my skills to the test...

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what are you missing by having these 18's?

. I see in your sig that you are using sundown. How would they stack up to type r's? Where i live i have not seen anybody use sundown.

type R's dont even start to touch nightshades, no one in my area ever ran sundown... i can assure you that people around here know about sundown now!

i have been installing for 14 years or so.. i have ran everything mainstream in my days.

i tryed FI BL's and then made the switch to sundown.... im glad i did. i have never used a company that #1 had such great customer relations. and #2 stands behind thair products like sundown #3 the time sundown spends makinf sure thair audio lines please is amazing to me... you can truly see that it is jacobs passion... and that means alot to me.. as car audio is my passion aswell.....

the first time you hear/feel sundown you begin to understand WHY people who run sundown LOVE sundown...

it seems like you have the urge to try it family....... if i were you .. i would sell those type r's and try sundown.. and check it out... you wont be sorry. :drink40:

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I really thank you for the help and advice on things..I have heard the customer service is really great.. I have been thinking of selling the alpines anyway, but that will give me the extra cash for the sundowns... I think i will try out the SA -12's hopefully in the near future...Thanx again bigjon.


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make sure you get nightshade 12"s and not just the SA 12"s, big difference between those two

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make sure you get nightshade 12"s and not just the SA 12"s, big difference between those two

I did think of that, but for my budget buying the SA-12's is a better deal for me..

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Buy them and do a comparison between the SA-12"s and Type R's so it will help out the forum and other members deciding between the two in the future. :peepwall:

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i think you'll be dissappointed going from 2 18 btl's to 2 SA-12's, the sundowns will not handle the lows like the btl's do and you can have a lot more power running to the btl's than the SA 12s

its your choice, but it sounds like a downgrade to me

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i think you'll be dissappointed going from 2 18 btl's to 2 SA-12's, the sundowns will not handle the lows like the btl's do and you can have a lot more power running to the btl's than the SA 12s

its your choice, but it sounds like a downgrade to me

he said bl's.

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i think you'll be dissappointed going from 2 18 btl's to 2 SA-12's, the sundowns will not handle the lows like the btl's do and you can have a lot more power running to the btl's than the SA 12s

its your choice, but it sounds like a downgrade to me

he said bl's.

he also said 4 sa 12's not two....

Bpup or what ever your name is why dont you READ first THEN SPEAK it may help....................... better yet.. how about you just dont speak at all.

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my bad, i've been tired as crap

Edited by pdubb

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i think you'll be dissappointed going from 2 18 btl's to 2 SA-12's, the sundowns will not handle the lows like the btl's do and you can have a lot more power running to the btl's than the SA 12s

its your choice, but it sounds like a downgrade to me

And why cant Sundown SA-12"s handle the lows like the BTL or better?

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Why don't you build your clamshell or blowthrough with your type R's ?

If you want to test your skills, do the build, with plenty of pics ( :) ).

You can always change the subs later, with Sundown sa for ex.

It is the cheapest solution. If you sell the bl's you will have some big money left !!!

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