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When When When (Leviathan Kronos)

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Ever since all of the discussion on ECA about Zed's new big six channel amplifier I have been interested.

I couldn't seem to find the very first thread but here are the second and third. (from February 2005)



I participated in the contest to pick the names for the new and large 6 and 4 channel amps.

I actually won the six channel naming contest naming it the Leviathan. (no prize claimed yet)

Been quite awhile since I have herad any news of how the building and testing of the prototypes are coming along. I realize good things take time, but I'm just curious if there are any developments.

The Hammer

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Still working on the samples.... please be patient


Stephen Mantz

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  TheHammer said:
Ever since all of the discussion on ECA about Zed's new big six channel amplifier I have been interested.

I couldn't seem to find the very first thread but here are the second and third. (from February 2005)



I participated in the contest to pick the names for the new and large  6 and 4 channel amps.

I actually won the six channel naming contest naming it the Leviathan. (no prize claimed yet)

Been quite awhile since I have herad any news of how the building and testing of the prototypes are coming along.  I realize good things take time, but I'm just curious if there are any developments.

The Hammer

Like YOU need them. . . ;)

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well Need should be classified, Water, Vitamins&Minerals, Carbohydrates..... if you get too antsy just tell them screw it and send your prize to me, then you will have that antsyness taken away because you wont have to worry about when beceause when will never happen :-p

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