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Found some different sound Barriers, Need to know if they are good or

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Hi All,

Now at my job i search McMaster-Carr very frequently. and today i decided "hey lets see what they have for sound stuff" (cause they have EVERYTHING! lol) so i did a quick search for "Sound" and found they have some nice sound barrier material and some nice sound dampening stuff, looks just like the Sound Deadener Showdown Stuff just thicker and with a backing ( http://www.sounddeadenershowdown.com/cgi-bin/index.cgi )

any ways i was just wondering if the stuff on mcmaster-carr is good sound barrier or good sound dampening? Links Below:





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any one atleast know what makes the sound barrier good?

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If your question is worded appropriately then yes, mass. Nothing else. Weight per square foot. Obviously needs to be a continuous surface but that is all you need if you want a barrier. If you are referring to dampening then your needs are COMPLETELY different.

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What exactly are you trying to accomplish? Really need to know your goals to point you in the right direction for the right type of product or what to look for.

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im trying to get a quieter ride and control panel resonance. just want to coat the trunk with it basically and the floor of the car

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And his CLD tiles for stopping resonance.

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CLD tiles are sitting in my living room from him and they look amazing, i just was wondering about blocking road noise. and not wanting ot break the bank doing so. so basically i was wondering what makes the barrier good?

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Good barrier = high mass, like M5 said. That is why MLV is the "typical" product of choice for such applications, it's one of the more affordable ready-made and readily-available products on the market that has a good mass and is fairly easy to work with. For the barrier to work most effectively, it should be isolated from the surface (which is why Don sells the CCF). Lead is a great option as well due to it's mass, but it's expensive, difficult to work with and hazardous. Really, a quick read of Don's MLV page should answer most of your questions.

Users on other forums have tried to get creative, making their own barrier out of high mass and cheap(er) materials they can find at local stores. But if you are looking for a ready-made and easy to use solution, MLV is your best bet.

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What sort of materials are the others using to make there own?

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Can someone give more info about adding weight to the panel and making it heavier and stronger, with resin only(like soaking it up good) and resin+fiberglass, so it vibrates less ?

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Hi All,

Now at my job i search McMaster-Carr very frequently. and today i decided "hey lets see what they have for sound stuff" (cause they have EVERYTHING! lol) so i did a quick search for "Sound" and found they have some nice sound barrier material and some nice sound dampening stuff, looks just like the Sound Deadener Showdown Stuff just thicker and with a backing ( http://www.sounddeadenershowdown.com/cgi-bin/index.cgi )

any ways i was just wondering if the stuff on mcmaster-carr is good sound barrier or good sound dampening? Links Below:


It does not matter what brand of MLV you use, as long as it's 1lb ft. Also, if it doesn't have a decoupler, a layer of foam that will be the meat in your MLV, CLD sandwich. You're pissing your money away if you use the MLV without adding a decoupler, if it doesn't already have one. As far as MLV goes, the last thing you need to concern yourself with is which brand it is, providing it's 1lb ft. There are only 4 or 5 factories who produce all MLV, that gets distributed to to be repackaged ( with that specific company brands and logo, providing it wasn't shipped like that already). So the brand name is irrelevant. Cost is the only thing you need to concern yourself with. First, exhaust all of your options to find it locally, even if it's more expensive. When ordering from the internet, you'll end up paying half as much to have it shipped as you'd just paid for the MLV alone. MLV can not be shipped like normal packages using the normal carriers because it's over weight. The deal just ended up, not to be such a good deal after all. I bought mine locally, at an initial higher sticker price. But after I figured in the cost of shipping, the local price didn't look so bad after all. I actually saved a couple of dollars. If you can't find it locally, PM me and I'll tell you where to find it the cheapest, taking shipping into consideration. I just need to know what part of the country you're from so I can tell you which place will be the closest, to save yourself some shipping money. If you're on the west coast, get ready to grab your ankles because the cost of shipping is going to give it to ya! When buying anything for sound deadening from the web, try to stick to buying foams and cotton insulation type products. Everything else, look for it locally or with in driving distance, unless you live in Minnesota or on the Northern East coast. Do product research, and if you can't find a product spec sheet, there's usually a reason why. Especially when it comes to CLD tiles. Good luck!

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Why not MN?

LOL I was thinking the same thing.

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one of the factories is located.

Why not MN?

LOL I was thinking the same thing.

Minnesota is the home of one of the few MLV producing plants. I know this because head of distribution is a buddy of mine. Also, if you did enough research and called around to enough internet retailers, both in the automotive and constructional sound deadening industry, you'd find out MLV is primarily shipped from the same few locations. The internet retailer you'd be purchasing from, is only the middle man/ broker and doesn't want to tie up that much money just in the shipping, when the don't have to. Seeing as, it all has to be shipped anyways at some point, what's the purpose of shipping it twice (when considering cost of shipping)? This also benefits the distributor, as well. They're able to sell more product, by keeping it's price down. Neither retailer or distributer profit from shipping, so why substantially raise the price for the consumers, when they don't profit from it and will sell less product as a result. If the average roll of MLV didn't weigh so damn much, not of this would be applicable and a mute point. So does that answer your question?

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Yes, but above you made it sound like you couldn't get it in MN which is why I asked

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