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Enclosure Reccomended sizes for Daber subs

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I've been looking at your ""SQL"" subs and noticed that there's not reccomended enclosure specs. Can you post up what you think is best for each size in sealed and ported? And whether ported or sealed is optimal? Also When are the DVC subs going to be out?

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These are generalized recommendations that if built, will perform very well. Of course, you can use a free box program like WinISD or something similar and be able to use the T/S specs that are available on the website and come up with your own design.

SQL 8:

Sealed Recommendation: .35 - .6 cubic feet per driver

Ported Recommendation: 1.3 - 1.8 cu. ft, tuned 31-37hz, 6-8 square inches of port per cubic foot

SQL 10:

Sealed Recommendation: .55 – 1.2 max. cubic feet per driver

Ported Recommendation: 1.8 - 2.3 cubic feet, tuned to 30-35hz. 8-12 square inches per cubic foot.

SQL 12:

Sealed Recommendation: .7 min. – 1.8 max per driver

Ported Recommendation: 2.1 - 3.0 cu. ft, tuned 30-35 hz, 8-12 square inches per cubic foot

SQL 15:

Sealed Recommendation: 1.3 min. – 2.25 max. per driver

Ported Recommendation: 3.0 - 4.5 cubic feet, tuned to 28-35, 9-14 square inches per cubic foot.

The DVC's are still a bit out there as far as time is concerned. I can tell you for sure that they will not be available before the sale ends. I don't know what kind of power you are trying to, or hoping to run to them, but I can tell you that they still perform very, very well when underpowered. If you had 350-500 watts to throw at an SQL-12 you would still get plenty loud. :drink40:

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