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RL-p 15's Setup

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Im probaly going to be getting 4 RL-p's. Putting them in the back of a 96 explorer, any suggestions on AMPS (number of amps and what kind and how much power) , and enclosure type for the box... let me know, ihave enuf creativity to make it a kick ass setup, just need to get the physics down...

lemme know your thoughts.

Right now i have a 1 farad cap and 1 battery (under the hood), Any suggestions as to how to power these subs, what other kinds of things ill need,s ay second battery and or what? i have no idea what else ill need.

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a pair of Orion 1200D's would power them fine,

you could run a 2500D @ .5 mono, but I would rather have the 2 amps

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2 ED Nine.1s would work well and be about as cheap as you are going to find for some good, clean power. You can spend as much money as you want on amps it just depends what you are trying to do. I have a 2500d going to 2 rl-p 15s ported. are you going for sealed or ported? I am wanting to get a Tahoe and try to get 2 more 15s as well. You are going to need an alt. for sure and probly some deep cycle batts.

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2 ED Nine.1s would work well and be about as cheap as you are going to find for some good, clean power. You can spend as much money as you want on amps it just depends what you are trying to do. I have a 2500d going to 2 rl-p 15s ported. are you going for sealed or ported? I am wanting to get a Tahoe and try to get 2 more 15s as well. You are going to need an alt. for sure and probly some deep cycle batts.


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oooh 4 rlps in an explorer.. thats sexy.

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