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Box for my BL 15"

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So I'm in need of a box for my Bl 15 in my scion tc.. I was going to get one built and shipped to me but it will take too long. Went to my local shop today, and they had one box for a 15". He said it was around 3.2 cubes which i guess is ok. Asked him what its tuned to and he didnt have a clue, said around 44 or something, which i would think is too high for the BL as i was shooting for 33hz. The box is carpeted, and higher up on the end where the sub goes in. Has two small ports in the sides. Price is $180. What im wondering is if the tuning really matters, and if it will sound like shit if i use this box?

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Yes, tuning matters and it will sound like poo.

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we got a SA-12 in a buddy of mine's scion tc tuned at 40-41hz for daily and it sounds great.

The natural peak inside the hatch will be 42-43hz.

When i use to do a design in my hatch, i tuned to 38hz on a pair of hdc3s and it sounded great too.

What i'm saying is you might want to tune in the high 30s in the back of this car.

Box design alone doesn't account for where it sounds great at.

We've also seen this in some trucks too but that's another story.

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screw it man, just going to get my box built by a carpenter I know using that RE Box calc, that thing is the shit. Would rather have a 4cu ft. box tuned to 33hz instead of that one thats 3.2 cubes tuned to that ridiculous number lol. But what does all this tuning mean, if its high in the 40's will it not hit the low bass notes or something?

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screw it man, just going to get my box built by a carpenter I know using that RE Box calc, that thing is the shit. Would rather have a 4cu ft. box tuned to 33hz instead of that one thats 3.2 cubes tuned to that ridiculous number lol. But what does all this tuning mean, if its high in the 40's will it not hit the low bass notes or something?

Don't use that RE Box calc! That is a piece of crap imo!

Try this instead .... PORT Size Calculations and Formulas for WOOFER and Subwoofer BOXES

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